Chapter 3

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When I wake up the next morning, I quietly slide out of bed and head downstairs, following the smell of bacon.

I walk into the kitchen, and grab a plate from the cupboard, tossing a few trips of bacon on to my plate, and my all time favorite breakfast food, pancakes, on as well.

I'm just about to go back up to my room when I hear someone clear their throat.

"Wow Ashton, didn't know you had models walking around this place."

I jump, not expecting someone to be down here.

I turn around and see all there of the boys I met yesterday, and Ashton, standing or sitting near the couch. I recognized Luke's voice, and sure enough, he stood there smiling his ass off.

"I..uh.." I look down at what I was wearing, realizing I was still in my pajamas, which was comfortable shorts and an oversized t-shirt.

I didn't want to know what my hair looked like.

"Yeah, nice to see Fenix all dressed up for us coming over." Calum says.

"Shut up you guys! I didn't know you were here. If I had, I would've rushed to put on a big fancy ball gown." I say sarcastically.

"Well, someone is a little cranky in the mornings." Michael observes.

"You have no idea..." Ashton did nothing to stick up for me.

I glare at my brother, then turn to Michael. "It is early, I only came down here because I smelled bacon, and I wanted food."

Calum nudges Michael. "Geez, she's like a twin."

Michael nudges Calum back. "Shut your noise tube."

I roll my eyes and turn back towards the stairs. "I'm going back to my room. Ashton, you better warn me next time you bring guys over. I could've only been in a towel."

I hear Luke mutter, "Don't we wish."

Then there was the sound of a slap across the face.


I stayed about an hour in my room, on social media sites and texting my best friend, Hannah.

I was about to go check on Harry and Lauren when I heard the sound of drums downstairs.

'That's normal.' I thought to myself.

But then again, Ashton playing his drums may be normal, but there was a band down there.

I wonder what they sound like.

I had changed clothes immediately when I got up to my room before, into black destressed shorts and my black Panic! At the Disco shirt, that had red wavy lines on it.

I figured that was good enough, I didn't really have anyone to impress, so I quietly opened the door of my room and stepped out ~ barefoot.

I crept downstairs, careful not to make any sounds, because I knew they would stop playing if they saw me come down.

They aren't in the living room, so I can only assume they are in the basement, where Ashton keeps his drums.

As quietly as possible, I make my way down there as well.

I peek around the corner, seeing the four boys lined up, sitting on stools.

Michael and Luke both have acoustic guitars, and Calum has a bass, lightly plucking the strings. Ashton, of course, has his little box drum.

I almost giggle at how weird adorable they look.

They were currently practicing something, but they didn't say or sing anything.

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