Chapter 4

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"YO, I'LL TELL YOU WHAT I WANT, WHAT I REALLY REALLY WANT!" I sing at the top of my lungs, dancing around the kitchen, with my best friend Hannah.

We were in the kitchen dancing with brooms and mops, listening to Wannabe by the Spice Girls playing from the speaker spot.


"I WANNA HUH, I WANNA HUH, I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT A ZIG-A-ZIG AHH." I shake my head around and flip my hair in circles.

She starts laughing and then we continue the song.

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends, make it last forever," I start.

Then we sing together, "FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS!"

We start laughing and dancing around while we listened to the song blasting out of the speaker.

Out of nowhere, there was clapping, and both Hannah and me turned around and saw horrific images in front of us.

Ashton and his friends were watching us, leaning against the wall and smirking.

Michael was the one who was clapping.

"How much did you guys see?" I ask.

Ashton smirks. "Oh, you know, all of it."

"Ashton," I complain. " Why didn't you tell us you guys were coming up?"

"Cause we wanted to see whatever that was." He answers with a smile on his face.

"Didn't you guys just get some food about an hour ago?" I ask.

"Yeah, and now we want more." Calum whines.

I notice Luke, Michael, and Calum looking at my friend.

"This is Hannah. And she will not be talking to you, because I don't want her scarred for life." I start pushing Hannah out from the kitchen and over to the stairs.

"We will be going up to my room, where we can sing and dance in peace." I say.

As I push Hannah up the stairs, all I notice was her eyes fixed on one thing in the room.


"Oh boy...this is going to be fun." I mutter to myself.


"Hannah, I swear, if you have a crush on the boy, just say it." I threaten her once we are back in my room.

I had told her who they were, saying that they were part of Ashton's band.

"He sings and plays in a band. Of course I have a crush on him." She states, sitting on the floor, while I was sitting on my bed.

"Hannah Hood. I see it." I look up at the ceiling, pretending to see words written up there.

She scoffs but smiles anyways. No doubt she was thinking about it too.

"So who do you like?" She asks.

"None of them. They are too annoying for me. They always show up out of nowhere and scare the shit out of me." I tell her.

"I don't believe you. I think you like one of them. Which one is it?" She asks again, sitting up on her knees.

"No one. The crush doesn't exist." I reply.

She doesn't give up.

"Telllll me!" She whines.

"God, you are like Lauren. Relentless. I'm not telling you, and I never will. My lips are zipped." I smile.

She grunts and throws her body back on the floor, staring at the ceiling just like me.

Hannah and I were friends since I was twelve. We had basically grown up together since then, always exactly alike, and liking the same things. We were like clones.

We know each other's secrets, each other's past. She's the only one that knows about my parents except for the Irwin residence.

And she never judged me for it. Sure, it wasn't my fault, but I don't have real parents. They are dead. Most orphans get bullied or something. She never gave it a second glance.

I have a few other friends, ranging in friend, to real friend, to almost best friend, but not even close because that spot is already taken by the bestest bestiest best friend in the whole world.

You get my point.

"I bet it's Luke. He's cute." Hannah says suddenly.

I smirk at her, and shake my head.

She sighs. "You are going to shake your head for all of them aren't you?"

I nod my head.

We burst out laughing.


When we go back downstairs, the boys are already down there, snacking on food and watching some movie.

"Hey we're back." I say, stepping off the last step.

Ashton comes running up to me and pushed me back up the stairs. "No way you are coming down here, this is guy time. You are not allowed down here."

I raise my eyebrows. "Oh really? Whatcha guys doing?" I ask in a sweet, innocent voice.

"Hanging out like guys do. Now get." He orders.

I shove him away, and he falls against the wall, letting Hannah and me pass.

I plop down on the couch in between Calum and Michael, spreading my arms out behind them. "What we watching?"

They shake their hands. "Get away girl!" Michael screams.

"You guys are mean. I'm staying with you anyways." I smirk.

"Fuck you." Calum says, getting up and going over to where Hannah was standing.

"This is why I don't associate with your friends Ash." I say.

He rolls his eyes. "Then leave if you don't like them."

"Oh, I like them. Especially this cutie here." I start pulling on Michael's cheeks like an old granny.

Yes, I was teasing Ashton.

He glares at me.

"Pwease stwop." Michael complains.

I stop doing what I'm doing and walk over to Ashton.

I knew exactly how to get him.

"I'm gonna hang out with these guys for the rest of the day." I say.

"Uh, no you aren't." He argues.

"Aw, come on. Mikey, you want me to hang out with you?" I puff out my bottom lip.

He looks up at me, and just stares.

I bite my bottom lip, knowing just what to do.

He gulps. "Y-yeah."

I turn to Ashton with a smirk on my face. I flip my hair and act all girly, strutting away from him.

"Come on Hannah. We are chillin with the boys for the rest of the day." I sit back beside Michael, who tenses up.

Maybe I worked for the 'yes' a little too hard.

I turn around to see where Hannah was, and I see her talking to Calum.

'Oh no, not already.' I think.

Whatever, might as well make the best of this and make Ashton angry.

Cause that's what sisters are for.

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