Big Sis? Well it has a nice ring.

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“ Hey what do you think you're doing?” someone says behind me. I realized that I bumped into Cole.By accident of course I tried to step away but he grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me to him and told me to apologize.Now that he told me to im not gonna.

“How about next time you look at where you are going so we don't bump how about it. Ok then bye.” l say and leave the conversation.And try and go back to the training at hand.We’re here to train for the “better good”. I know what they really mean we train so we can do what our wealthy,smart,nomads want us to do act like their loyal dog as if you were in fact an animal not a human being. As I was saying we don't get any knowledge of outside we know what's going on but we don't get things as fast well unless you are really close to the guards.When it’s time for us to eat i don't i keep working. I never take a break. I sleep once a week.But as i am training a little girl is being harassed by the same boys who start trouble. I don’t know what came over me i think it was a thought that came to mind very little now.That I missed my little sister i don't think of the family i had. I stepped in and pushed them away from her.

“How about i tell you something and you follow it until you are dead ok? i want you guys to leave her alone you guys are bothering her in more ways than 5.” I glare at them and they say sorry and run away.I turn to the girl.

“ Are you ok?”I look at her and she is crying i don't know what to do she might have a mom and dad here but i seriously doubt that.I pat her head and tell her.”it’s ok now im here there,there.shhh it’s ok now calm down.” I look down at her who is now in my arms.

”What's your name?”she answers in a timid voice as if she is a little lam and i'm a big bad tiger.

“Emmy,w what’s yours?” she still has tears in her eyes.I wipe them as I tell her my name.

“Kutaru,There now you're all better are your parents here?” I didn’t want to ask because I probably already knew.

“A big bad man took them and put a rope around their necks and kicked the stool under them and the aren’t awake but they will soon. Right,Kutaru?”She asked me so innocently so I gave her what she wanted.

“Of course they will wake up soon.”I say with a plastered smile.The bell that sounds for us to go to sleep rings in the courtyard.

“Let's go to sleep ok Kutaru i’m sleepy.”She pulls me along by my arm and leads me to a little pit it’s just big enough for her not me.She points to the small pit.

”You get in first then me ok.” I dont answer i just do what she says to make her happy. I get in and get comfortable it’s easy to do that when i stop moving she gets in the small pit and lays on her side so we are spooning and grabs the blanket by us that was covered up by a pile of dirt so they didn’t take it from her.I wrap my arms around her so she stays warm the blanket only reaches her toes she uses my arm as a pillow and we fell asleep into that good night with only hushed voice that rang from Emmy.

“Good night big sis.”

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