##Cole's POV##

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I'm the first to wake up, Emmy has curled into my side and....okay screw Emmy. Kutaru has thrown a leg over my waist and is pressed against me, her cover has moved just enough I can see her cleavage. Which looks amazing. I watch her face though. She says all this crap about how she sucks and deserves to die alone but she is absolutely beautiful. Her eye lashes are long and they match her hair that's always in her face when she works, her nose is small and looks draw. Her mouth is turned up at the corners in a smirk almost, they are a pink tent and a bit swollen from our kissing session last night. Her eyes flick open and I see her violet sunset eyes as they catch the morning sunrise, putting a beautiful tent to her face making her features seem even more pronounced than how they usually are. Our eyes meet and I already feel the grin creep up my face.
"Good Morning Beautiful, you have a bit of bed head I see, and as much as I love being wrapped up in ur legs, wanna getup and get Breakfast?" I ask as I push hair out of her face. She pushes my hand away and rubs her face further into my bicep.
"Make Frosty or Tyler do it, today, we need family cuddle time." She grins and squeezes, me between her legs.
Emmy mimics her action during deeper into my side. I hear rustling from up top with some chuckles, that sound like Tyler and grunting coming from frosty. I look up and see them both leaning over the edge of the pit.
"Hey guys, you mind getting Breakfast today? Kutaru doesn't feel like getting up and Emmy is still sleeping, not mention Kutaru even asked for family time so.." I grinned up at them, I admit though i did have a slight red tone on my cheeks.
"Sure thing Coley Mobley whatever y say sweet cheeks, mwauh mwauh." Taunted Tyler.
" Mn I'm the one who should be getting the girl, I'm way nicer and better looking." Pouted Frosty.
Even through they complained they went to get breakfast. I settled back into place wrapping my arm tighter around Kutaru. While i was laying with her i flashed back to when we first met.

The guards had caught me to show an example of what happens to disobedient, workers.

Me: Hey get off all i said was the truth, what can you not handle it! Gotta beat a kid to show how manly you are!

Then this black blue cut across my vision, it had attacked the guard who had his hands on me. Another guard had yanked it off and grabbed the black blur. Only it wasn't a black blur, it was a girl and she was smiling. I did more than look i stared she was so different from the other kids here, she had black raven hair, and purple? No red? It was a mixture!? Her eyes were piercing. They were filled with a fire. She was dressed in a sack bag. Her legs were fined and dirty, bruised all over. But her body was fit and limber. She was quick for her size and cute for her looks and body type she looked more male than most boys, but what really stuck was her face. Her hair had been pulled back, showing off her striking jawline, her plump cracked lips, which spread to a wicked smile. The deep set dimples in her cheeks, her striking sunset eyes, that told a story of lost that was burned up out by rage, hate, and loneliness. I was captivated yet scared at the same time.

Guard 1: Seems she's the one who really needs the discipline, forget the boy make her the example.

The guards went down on her. Punching her till she fell down, I couldn't see her face but I knew it was no longer just dirt on her face. When she fell they kicked her in the stomach, and cut her hair off with a sword making it jagged and uneven. When they were finished they left, everyone else long gone going back to work. I stayed and had seen it all, I didn't move for awhile i just sat there. When it finally dawned that she might need help. I practically ran to her skidding to a stop. She grunted as I turned her on to her back. I bent and slung her onto my back and started walking to the make shift hut I made with my brothers. When made it there Frosty and Tyler were already waiting for me, they looked back with a grin and both held up a bag of food. When Tyler saw that I as carrying what looked like a heavy sack, he rushed at me.
"Wait!" I yelled, stepping back a bit so I didn't drop her. But it didn't matter Tyler already had a goal in mind and it was the "sack" on my back. He had pushed me down, the girl had fallen off my back and skided a couple inches away.
"You got a hall today! Wow! That's gonna last us at least a couple of months!" He shouted in excitement, and looked over at the sack realizing it was in fact a human.
" Aw man I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were carrying someone." he walked over to her when he got close, he stiffened and then ran. "Shit, man why didn't you tell me she was hurt." I didn't bother to point out the he had rushed at me without letting me talk, I went straight to the little cubby we made with what little supplies we did have. I collected some but before I stood to run back I heard shouting and reasoning voices. I ran with what I had put in the sack so far. When I got to the scene Frosty was holding her legs down and my brother was trying to push her down, trying to explain they were trying to help. She wasn't having it, lashing out and struggling in vain. I walked over causing her head to turn.
"Hey, my names Cole, the one holding your legs is Frosty, and the one trying to calm you down is Tyler. You took quite a beating for me...why?" I asked looking her dead in the eyes. She visibly relaxed.
"I'm calm now you can get off me." Her voice was mellow and curt almost rude but still nice enough to get her point across. Tyler let go as well as Frosty."I'm going to get up now, I don't like laying down." and at that she did sit up even crossed her legs. She looked at us in turn. She still hadn't answered my question.

"So? Why did you step in?" I asked pushing for an answer. Her gaze shot back to me.
"Because I could, it sounds dumb but I honestly thought that if I could get you out of the situation. I couldn't protect my little sister, so if I stepped in i would be punished for betrayal and disobeying orders." She explained all this while never breaking eye contact. Frosty was the first to speak he asked her bout her sister. She had died apparently, she didn't tell us how only that it was her fault. Tyler asked if she had eaten and if she would like to stay and eat with us. She nodded her head, saying no and left. I wished and hoped i could meet her again only this time, I was going to protect Her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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