The Files

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After everyone went to there deignated sleeping zones, I snuck back into the guards hut and took Emmy' s file out and ran back to where Everyone was waiting to start "dinner". When I got back Cole was finishing digging the hole out for Emmy, himself and I. Tyler and Frosty were playing the hand game with Emmy. I walked up to Cole ignoring Tyler and Frosty.

"Hey, I have Emmy's file. The guards won't notice her file missing." I whisper to him as I said into the hole to stand with him.

"Sounds good, but why did that guard want her? They usually don't chase us it's a waist of energy. So why?" He looks over his shoulder at me as he throws his shovel out.

"I'm not sure but this file will tell us for now we hide it and read it when her birthday is over." I state as I get out of the hole and start to put dirt over the files. I feel him come up behind and he wraps his arms around me. I tense.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Holding you?" He tells me. " Remember when you said this was for Emmy? What did you mean by that? If you wanted to date you could have just said so."

"Cole this is for Emmy I never had a real Mom and Dad that cared for me. I adore Emmy, and I've seen how you are with her." I turn in his arms, and face him. " I want to leave this earth one day and know by some chance that I can make another happy even though I could never deserve.." before I could finish Cole has pushed his lips against mine my first reaction was push, and I did but then something changed and the pushing became pulling. My arms made there way around his neck my fingers running into his hair and pulling then massaging, I could feel his hands roam down my hips to cup my ass. I could feel him through his shorts. I pulled my head back to gasp for some much needed air.

"Sorry but you deserve everything I've known you since we were kids, your hard working, reliable, and strong. So don't ever think you are anything but amazing." Cole looks down at me with a slight redness on his cheeks. I kiss him on the cheek and hug him.
"Thank you for thinking that, but your aware that Tyler and Frosty are right behind us with Emmy right?" I laugh as I pull away and walk toward Emmy and the guys.


After Dinner Everyone heads to their holes. Emmy of course is with Cole and I. I look over my shoulder and see that Emmy is passed out, I get out of the hole and sit away from the "Home" we all made. I feel someone start walking up the hill of dirt I'm sitting on. It's Cole.

"Hey, Mind if I sit with you?" He asks but he sits with me anyway I don't mind though I somehow feel at ease when he is around and I don't know how I feel about that.

"Wanna play a game?" He asks scooting closer to me, heat radiating off his arm. I shrug, and he takes it as a yes, starting the game of questions. He turns so he is facing me, and scoots me around so we are facing each other.

"How did you come to camp?" He looks me in dead in the eyes, searching them for an answer.

" I was brought here like most, taken shoved in the back of a truck and thrown out the back into the court." I say the facts not giving him the absolute truth. He grins but it doesn't go to his eyes they are filled with a disappointment sadness.

I sigh, "Do you want to know happened to get me into the camp?" At that he perked up, scooting closer like I was telling a story. I giggled and cleared my throat.

"My Parents are both part of senate. My father loved me undyingly, My mother she hated me. She turned me in when she found out my abilities, could endanger her picture perfect family. I had a sister named Kayla, she was beautiful. She always smiled and one day my mom hit me and she went to comfort me and I killed her without knowing. She just touched me and poof she was gone. The next thing I knew I was being quarantined, and sent away then I was tossed off the back of a truck." I finish my story looking up from lap, I don't even remember looking down when I meet his eyes, he is smiling it's a kind smile. He pulls me into his chest and rubs my back. I smoosh my face deeper into his chest feeling his warmth on my cheek. When he stops rubbing my back I sigh and look up. "Thanks, I didn't know that that's what I needed."

He shakes is head and kisses my forehead.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks with a stern face. I laugh and nod my head not trusting my words. I feel him lean in and I close my eyes. The instant I feel his lips meet mine in hesitation. I lean into him without thinking, he wraps his arms tighter around me. I crawl into his lap and hang my legs behind him putting my arms on his shoulders. He pushes my lips apart with a push of his tongue, I open my lips a little and he thrusts his tongue in my mouth and it's a whole new sensation. I feel our tongues push together, tangle then resolve by pulling away and sucking on each others lip and gasping for air. I stare at him, his eyes are hooded and I can see a sliver of the azure blue eyes that some how got me to open up and trust. He places a gentle kiss on my cheek and slowly works his way down my jaw and collar bone. I pull him closer, and i feel him pull away just a little.

"We should go lay down with Emmy, before she wakes up." He glances up at me and I grumble and let him go.

"Alright, but that's twice today, I don't think I'll want you too stop next time." I giggle and wink at him as I walk back to the pit with Emmy in it, tugging Cole with me.

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