let's make it official

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I wake up in warmth. I feel it pulling away, a cool air brushing against the patch of skin where the warmth was. I curl back into the warmth.

“ Um..Kutaru?” A voice whispers in my ear. I crack my eyes open and see a beautiful face, Azure sky blue eyes, a slim chiseled nose, long fanned lashes, dimples on the side of his head, and lips full and shaped. ….Wait ...HIIIS?????!!!!!! My eyes burst open and I jolt up, I look back down and see I’m Practically laying on top of Cole, our legs tangled together and Em is curled up into his left side like a kitten. I feel my face go bright red.

“ I I I am so sorry I didn’t mean to, It’s just you're so warm, and you moved. Sorry….I’ll just uh go get us breakfast…” I get up and crawl out of the hole and head to the shack for breakfast.

I come back and everyone is awake. Emmy is playing with Cole and Tyler is braiding her hair, Frosty is piling dirt on top of Em’s blanket. I giggle which makes them turn around and look at the score. Emmy comes running up and pulls me towards the rest, I sit next to Cole blushing and set the food I got in front of all of us. Emmy take a potato and sits in Cole's Lap.

Emmy: It was so much fun Big sis, Big bro Cole taught me a hand game that is so much fun.

Tyler: I think it's only fun to her because he sucks at it.

Frosty just laughs, and Coles grumbles and blushes.

Me: That's great, um Emmy we should talk about something really important okay later okay?

Emmy: Can we talk about it now so it dosent get in the way of us working?

I look at Cole to see if it's still okay with him. He nods his head. I breath a sigh a little.

Me: Well how would you like if Big sis and Big Brother Cole were your mommy and daddy?

Emmy popped up, hitting her head on Coles chin tossing his head back.

Emmy: Sorry big bro Cole but Big sis are you serious? You and Big bro Cole will be my mommy and daddy!

I giggle and nod my head.

"Yeah your birthday is comming up so we thought you might want a mom and dad." I smile up at Emmy who is now looking down at me with a sparkle in her eyes. She starts nodding her head yes and jumping around and kicking up dirt.

I laugh and help dust Cole off.

Me: I guess we are official huh? *I grin at him and kiss him on the cheek*

Cole:*looks down at me with a smile* Yeah i guess we are.

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