Family is what I wish I had

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¨Where is Emmy? She was with you last time I checked. WHAT HAPPENED? WHERE IS SHE?¨ I yell I'm pissed. A little girl like her out here all by herself I don't want her to end up like me, damaged. Cole reaches out.

¨The guards took her. She will be fine I swear.¨ He says with question in his eyes. As if what I'm doing is out of the ordinary I guess for me it is. I push his hand off and glare daggers at him.

¨ If she isn't I swear to you I'll end you in your sleep.¨ I walk over to a pile of dirt and set my shirt off to the side. I but the key on a string and tie it around my necklace i take the shirt and put it in a small hole i dug up earlier and bury it. I stand back up with ointment in my hand. When I look up Emmy is running towards me. I smile but only for a moment I see that right behind her there is a guard. I run towards her. I grab her up and toss her to Cole.

¨COLE KETCH HER.EM STAY WITH COLE.¨ I yell back. I keep trudging on. I reach for the guard, I Push him back in a hole that was dug out. I get him to his back and keep punching till I see blood and even when I see blood I don´t stop there. Once you assault a guard you're sentenced to death. But if you can't find the guard he went and quit. I find a shovel and put it to his throat. I stand up and put my foot on the bottom half of the shovel.

¨Say hello to satan for me bastard. Dasvidaniya.¨ I slam my foot down I stand above the man and watch his head roll back to the deeper part of the hole. I throw the shovel in the pit and grab my shovel and start filling the hole I stop and strip till im just in my wrap and a cloth that covers my girl bits. Then continue filling. When I finish I head back. Cole, Frosty and Tyler are there they surround Em who seems to be crying.

¨What´s wrong Em?¨ I sit down in the dirt. I smile as she turns and her tears seas she runs to me and almost knocks me over as she launches herself at me.

“I thought that I was gonna lose you. I was soo scared sissy.” She sobs into my chest. I pick her up and stand when I get up I walk over to the boys and take her blanket from Tyler.

“ Thank you guys, for keeping her safe for me.” I tell them as I wrap Em in her blanket and pass her to Cole. The guys laugh at me as I struggle to unlatch Em from my neck.

“ Cole I need you to do one thing for me.” I look up at him. “ Em is turning 7 in 2 weeks. I went into the guard's room and looked at her files. Her parents were killed in front of her at the age of 4. She awoke to her powers in that same instant. I saw her birthday and looked at the calendar in the tech inside their shack. I want to be a family.” Cole blushes hard and coughs.

“ Oh well um I’m more than happy to date you but you don’t need to make an excuse to..” I put my finger on his lips and grin.

“I wasn’t making an excuse I don’t know what family is like or even love for that matter. I want to do this for Em and just for her.” I pull my finger away from his mouth and stroke her hair. I turn and walk away as I dig up a hole for Em and I then make another for the boys. I make mine and Em’s hole bigger so that way Cole could choose whatever hole he wanted. I then walk over to a dirt pile I made that had extra clothes, and slid on a oversize shirt, and some cargo pants. I go back to Cole where Em has passed out with puffy eyes. I take Emmy from him and I lay down in hole to wear Em and I are curled up in a ball. I hear the guys move all three heading to the hole separate from ours. I fall asleep almost instantly.

The FightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ