Chapter 1 - The Invite

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HERMIONE POV - Third Person

    It was another day at the Malfoy Mansion in France. Hermione Jean Malfoy (nee Granger) sat on the kitchen table, drinking a smoothie and reading the Morning Post.

    All the usual, taxes, fan mail, invites. Only one of the owls were different. It was her mother's snow owl, Wizzy. Tied on her leg, it was two letters, one was a normal looking one, usually sent by her mother. The other was perfume-scented and hot pink. Probably sent by her aunt, Aunt Valentina.

    Groaning, Hermione took the letters of Wizzy and fed her an owl treat. She opened her mother's first.

Dear Hermione,

    Hermione! It's been a long time, sweetie, Dad and I really miss you and Draco!

As you might have figured, it is time for another Granger Family Reunion. And sweetheart, your father and I don't want to go either. But we have run out of excuses for you, School Festivals, Meet-up with Friends, Work (I don't think they believed in the last two). I do understand that those nasty cousins of yours really tick you off, they do to us too, but please, come. Grandmother Edith really, really misses you.

Not to mention, I have been reading some magazines lately and they said that Draco was still single. The nerve. Oh well, more for you to push into your cousins face, they absolutely adore and love him.

Please agree to come. The invitation is on Wizzy's other leg. Bring Draco too!


Your Always Adoring Mother,

Jean Granger

Hermione laughed at her mother's enthusiasm of kicking her annoying cousins' butts. She folded that letter and opened the other one.

Dear Hermione,

    Hello dear. We have sent this letter to your parents as we think you still live with them if not, your parents can send it to you.

    It had been 12 years since you've been to a family reunion and your Grandmother Edith really wants you to be invited this time. Something wrong with her old brain, I'd tell you.

    Oh well, we will be going to the HDM Resort in France. Please don't waste your savings to come, I know how expensive plane rides are these days. Of course, Annabella, your Uncle Frederick and I will be riding first class.

    The dates are from July 28 to August 4. One whole week. See you there!

Your Aunt,


P.S. Bring a date if you have one. Annabella also has big news to share!

Hermione snorted in disgust by her aunt's words. How ridiculous can her aunt get? She sighed, she'll have to go. And like her mom said, it would be a good time to put her cousins back into their places, along with her aunts and uncles.

"Hermione, dear. Good morning." Hermione's head snapped up to find her handsome and cheerful husband in front of her.

"Morning Draco." Hermione smiled at her husband.

"What's got your knickers in a twist, sweetheart?" Draco sat down right next to her, munching a sandwich that was just freshly made by their house elf, Emmie. Hermione handed the two letters to Draco.

Draco laughed after reading the letters.

"I remember you telling me about your cousins, and these letters prove how bad your family is. Oh well, do you want to go?" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Might as well, you know." A Malfoy smirk forming on her face. Draco grinned at her.

"What's the plan?" He asked delightfully.

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