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"Amado when are you going to find a date to the party tonight, you still havn't found someone!" Vanessa, my best friend, yelled in my ear as we walked out of the prison we liked to call here in Haddonfield, high school. We made our way down the street, passing by students that were either waiting to get picked up by their ride or were walking home as well.

"I don't know, to be honest I'm not sure if I'm even gonna go." I replied back as I adjusted my book bag, trying to fit in my biology book from last period. For some reason this school doesn't have lockers where we can put these books in, they should really invest in that.

"How come?" Vanessa replied, as I looked up I can see a small hint of sadness evident in her brown eyes. I gave her the ever famous ' you know why look '. She caught on quickly after that.

"You can't be serious, oh come on, its 2011, we are in 21st Century" she started ranting, "no one's going to judge you if you go with a-." instantly she was cut off by a voice yelling from behind us as we were walking down the street. A familiar voice to be exact.

" Vanessa, Amado!" our good friend Bryce yelled as she was trying to catch up to us, her brown curly hair bouncing in the air. "Took you so long, was beginning to think that you ditched." Vanessa said to her, turning her head to look at Bryce. "Me ditching? Bitch please I got classes to pass, I don't want to end up like Semaj. " Bryce replied as she scowled at her. I raised my eyebrow at her and chuckled.

We made a right turn and walked down the street Meridian Avenue. As Bryce and Vanessa and I continued along, I looked at the street sign and felt the same familiar eeriness that I always experienced whenever I walked down this street after school. To others who did not live in our small town you would not think much about a street sign, but everyone here knew what happened on this very street.

"Why do we always have to go down this street, this is where the Myers house is!" Vanessa exclaimed, frowning and bringing me out of my senses. "Because we have to, it's the fastest way to our houses. Stop complaining." Bryce responded, rolling her eyes. "Still, you know what happened in that house, that psycho murdered his sister back when he was only like 6, like what would drive a little boy to do such a thing like that..."

Oh god, here we go with this story once again. I tuned Vanessa out as we passed by the very house itself.

The Myers house was extremely ran down to say the least. There was no color really on the wooden walls, just a faint hue of gray with splotches of black and white here and there. The windows were all missing besides one that was severely cracked. The bushes were overgrown and was covering up some of the steps leading to the doorway.

There it was again, that same eerie feeling when we walked passed the street sign. I should be used to it by now but it still affects me quite a bit.

"Amado why you just standing there staring at the house, don't make us leave your ass." Bryce exclaimed, snapping me out of my gaze. I didn't even notice that I stopped walking. I turn my head towards Bryce and Vanessa, both annoyed and confused as to what I am doing.

"Coming, just wanted to look at the house closely." I say as I quickly joined up with them.

"You're a weirdo Amado you know that?" Vanessa said.

Rolling my eyes I sighed and punched her in the arm. "Yeah I guess." I reply.

We walked passed the house and made a left onto the street that all three of us lived on. It was one of those streets that was cut off and made a circular shape.

Hallowen: The Night Michael ReturnedWhere stories live. Discover now