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I walked around the car and enter the passenger seat in the front as Brie sits in the back seat behind Bryce. Brie giggles as I look at her with a big smile, right before I nudge Bryce in the side, causing her to jump up startled which automatically earns me a punch in the rib.

"Dude what the fuck was that for?! You could've just tapped me on the shoulder like a normal person!" She practically screeches out loud, causing Brie and I to stare at her with wide eyes.

"Oh hi Brie" she turns and says, smiling sweetly before turning back to me and giving me a death glare. "Next time you do that, Ima beat that ass harder than a top does to a bottom." She simply states before going into reverse and backing out of the driveway, leaving Brie and I wide eyed and shocked.

"Brie you feel like making a new friend tonight?" I ask her as I pull out my phone, texting Vanessa that we were on our way.

"No" she replies.

"What, why not?" Bryce asks.

"Because I hate meeting new people." I turn around to see her looking down at her lap while playing with a pig tail.

Bryce leans over the dashboard next to me slightly as I turn my head to look at her. "I can relate." she simply says before making a sharp turn down Meridian Avenue. I snort at her before turning my head to look out the window, watching as we pass by the Myers house, feeling much better than I did last time we passed the house.

"So have you guys heard about the Boogeyman?" Brie asked Bryce and I.

"The Boogeyman?" Bryce responded.

"Who's the Boogeyman?" I ask, turning around to look at her.

"He's a very scary man that hides in closets and under beds, he walks around holding a large knife." she responds before looking through her bag to pull out a bag of lays.

"Oh really? Well what does this very scary man happen to look like?" Bryce asks as we approached a stoplight.

"He wears a dark shirt and pants and has a very white face, almost like a mask." she says before tossing a chip into her mouth.

"Did you guys know that there he used to live here in this town?" she tells us as the stoplight turned green. We were too shocked to say anything at this point, and I was able to tell that Bryce was shocked too because of how wide her eyes were at this point.

How did she know about this? She is only 11.

Bryce ended up asking my question for me because the bitch has psychic abilities.

"Who told you this Brie?" she asks.

"My mom told me, she said she saw the Boogeyman when she was around my age. She said she had this very sweet babysitter named Laurie and that she killed him." she responded while tossing another chip into her mouth.

Bryce and I looked at each other with wide eyes remembering all the stories we were told growing up here in Haddonfield about Michael Myers, stories that everyone has probably been told about.


Laurie Strode was a famous survivor of the 1978 Halloween Massacre and was the sister to Michael Myers, both of her good friends died that night as well as another boy that was found pinned to the wall with an extremely large butcher knife through the stomach.

Hallowen: The Night Michael ReturnedWhere stories live. Discover now