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"Great, there goes Bryce." Vanessa says as she gets up along with Matt. They both head inside, following Bryce, probably going off to find her.

"Jon, you can't be serious." I say, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Dead ass." he simply states.

"I'm down!" Christina says, taking another sip of her drink.

"Christina, bitch come on. You know how creepy that place is." I say, my mouth a little ajar.

"The only reason why you find it creepy is because you're allowing the past to make its way into the present day when you shouldn't" Travahn says, leaning back onto his chair "Shit I'm down too. Beats staying at this place watching everyone get shitfaced and twerked on." he further adds.

"Oh come on Amado, it would be like an adventure, besides nothing is going to happen." Christina says, resting her cup on the ground.

"What about Bryce, you know she ain't gonna want any part of that. Also we don't know if Vanessa and Matt are down." I say.

"Oh we are down."

I turn around to see Vanessa and Matt approaching us.

You got to be fucking kidding me.

"Vanessa, no offense, but why on earth would you be down to go explore that shit?" I say, crossing my arms.

"Because Jon's right. There really is nothing to be scared of, I mean all that stuff that happened, it did happen a long time ago, its been over a decade." she says, flopping down onto the couch her and Matt were sitting in before they left.

"Oh yeah, Bryce just needed to pee, she'll be back." Vanessa further added.

"Great, so far 5 people agree to go, it's clearly obvious that the gay boy is too much of a chicken shit to want to go, he can just stay here." Jon teases.

Should I go? I mean, it's not like I would be going into the house by myself. It could be worse to be honest. I don't know, I'm already being a terrible babysitter for leaving the kids home.

Come on Amado, make a choice.

I sit there thinking for god knows how long until I finally make a choice.

"Fine, but if any of you bitches leave me alone at any moment while we are in that damn house, I'm gonna cut a bitch." I say, sighing while slumping into my seat.

"Hey have any of you guys seen Jaz?" a guy with a thick beard dressed up as a sailor said as he approached. His name was Simon and he was a friend of ours that we rarely got to see a lot in school.

"No, was she supposed to come?" Vanessa asks.

"Yeah, she was walking here." He says, looking at his phone.

"When was the last time she talked to you?" Jon asked.

"Like half an hour ago." He says as he pulls up a seat.

"Was Craig planning on coming too?" Jon asks again, this time grinning.

"... Yeah?" Simon says, squinting his eyes.

"I think we know what she's doing then." Jon says, snorting.

"Why am I not surprised." Travahn says, shrugging.

"Hey guys what did I miss besides Jon's stupid suggestion." Bryce says, walking up to us.

"Took you forever to come back, what were you doing in the bathroom Brycie?" Vanessa says.

Hallowen: The Night Michael ReturnedWhere stories live. Discover now