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"Do we have to go to bed?" Brie said Chris said in unison as we gathered blankets.

"Parents said to be in bed by 9:30. Its already 9:17, so hush up and go to bed, we will be downstairs watching movies." Bryce said as Vanessa led Brie to her room.

After we finished helping Chris and Brie to bed, we made our way downstairs and walked to the kitchen, sitting around the kitchen island.

"Ok, Jon texted me asking if he and Travahn can ride with us, Amado you're gonna have to sit on someone's lap." Bryce said, looking down at her phone.

"Wait what?" I said with wide eyes.

"Anyways, they'll be here in 5." Bryce says, putting her phone in her back pocket.

"Wait hold on I-"

"Im driving and you don't weigh much Amado, sorry." Bryce says, shrugging.

Great, just great.

"Lets go outside." Vanessa says, readjusting her wings.

"Hold on, let me go check the kids to see if they're knocked out." I say, standing up from the chair and heading towards the staircase, making my way up the stairs.

I then proceed to check both of the rooms, opening the doors quietly to avoid waking them up, only to find them both asleep.

Huh, that was easy.

I snort to myself afterwards as I make my way downstairs, giving the girls a thumbs up once I reach the bottom.

"Lets go!" Vanessa cheers happily, getting her house keys and purse.

Bryce and I grab our belongings as well, making our way out the door. Vanessa locks the door just in time for Jon and Travahn to strut up the driveway.

"Hello ladies" Jon said as him and Travahn approached us. "So how we gonna do this?" He asked, looking at the car.

"There's four seats, Amado is sitting on your lap." Bryce said, fishing out her car keys from her pocket.

"What if he infects me with ... with ... the GAY?" Jon says, a fake horrified expression plastered on his face, his mask being held in his hand.

"Don't be scared, if I do, be happy, you wont be a ... a ... a HETERO anymore." I say, mimicking his horrified expression.

"True, those damn heteros." Jon says.

"So we gonna go or not?" Travahn says, crossing his arms.

"Get in losers." Bryce says as her and Vanessa sit up in the front and Travahn and Jon sit in the back seat.

I wait for Jon to finish getting himself situated.

"Ok gay boy come sit on daddy's lap." he says with arms open.

"I'm gonna slap you." I simply state as I situate myself onto his lap, closing the door when I am situated.

"So where is the party being thrown Jon?" Bryce says as she starts the engine.

"836 Meridian Avenue I believe." Jon says.

"Of course the party would be on the same street as the Myers house." Vanessa says, buckling herself in.

I should have just stayed with Brie and Chris... I think to myself as we pull out of the driveway.

(Third Person POV)

"Simon you're a bitch for not giving me a ride." a girl with wavy dark chocolate hair dressed in a maid costume said as she huffed. The girl was on her way to the party that nearly every student at Haddonfield High was going to.

Hallowen: The Night Michael ReturnedWhere stories live. Discover now