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"Who am I?"...

It's a sentence that people ask themselves every single day...

It's all about who you want to be...


Your mental image of who you want to be and who you are to be...

They are both different meanings...



Sad, slow version of "Hurt" by Johnny Cash begins to play. *

The bathroom is only lit by one light. DYLAN stands to face the mirror looking over a sink. The camera slowly zooms in on DYLAN's back, shirt off. He stands there looking at the mirror, He cut his arm open, It's bleeding terribly. Little bits of blood in the sink, along with a bloody rag and the razor in blood.

DYLAN'S shoulder twitches a little. His arm twitches on the counter, it starts to lift to his hair and swipes his hair to fix it. He drops it back down onto the counter, twitches again.

The bathroom door is closed, banging as if someone desperately wants to get in. A closer shot of the door still banging, you can sort of see the knob turning. A closer shot at the knob twisting.

DYLAN looks at the door, over her shoulder with a depressed look on his face, looks like he's been crying, He turns back to the mirror. He looks like he is going to cry again yet stops himself, He looks in the mirror with a questioning look


Who am I?

Sad, slow version of "Hurt" by Johnny Cash stops playing.

When The Feather Falls - Who Am I? (Book 1 - Part 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ