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Hey guys... or camera... or something... this is a video log that my therapist suggested so I'll be doing this till I'm better? Or something... So I guess I will talk about how my appointment went.

DYLAN goes and lays on his bed and gets comfy.


So after getting the stitches in my for my attempt, I was told that I would be seeing Dr. Marshall, what can I say about her?

DYLAN takes a moment to think


I know what's she's trying to do, she is trying to help but I don't see it. "My mind is great and I should appreciate the gift" I don't get it. Like is she trying to sound like a Therapist or a great sorcerer with a magical eye or something...

DYLAN's face turns into a dull disgust face, and he turns off the camera.

He falls back, flat on the be with his hands in his face. He hears a knock at the door, he looks to see it's MOM.


I was just coming in to say goodnight hun and that tomorrow is a new day.


Yeah, I know Mom, Night Mom.


I also do love that you tried to do the videotaping thing that Dr. Marshall suggested. I also think recording your thoughts are a good thing to do.


Yeah, I know. Thanks. Night Mom.


Okay, Goodnight sweetheart.

MOM blows a kiss to DYLAN, he shakes his head with a smile and grabs the kiss, then slaps his cheek with it.


I swear, you keep doing that, you'll have a bruise on your face.


It would be considered a battle scar.


I'm sure it is. Night Dylan.

MOM shuts the door, DYLAN falls back on his bed with a smile. He notices he is smiling, then the smile breaks a little.


It does feel good to smile again, it feels like years I've been able to just smile... I feel like I need to piss. I should probably go and try.

DYLAN leaves his room and goes down to the bathroom, He notices the door, how the lock is busted. Faint sounds of the door banging ring in his ears but he makes his way in the bathroom.

He uses the bathroom then goes over to the sink, He looks down and notices the drawer that had everything was open. He doesn't see the rag or razor but sees the little bit of dried blood, He shakes his head away from it but goes up to the mirror.

He stares at his reflection in the mirror. He sees his reflection when he cut himself, the tears in his eyes and his shoulder muscles twitching. He quickly turns off the water, shakes his head and blinks away from the mirror. He holds his head, he feels like he has a headache. He stumbles out the bathroom and shutting the light off. Pitch Dark.

When The Feather Falls - Who Am I? (Book 1 - Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now