Beautiful Girl

18 5 7

Written 02/15/14

Beautiful Girl

A boy walks down the street,

Smiling at all the girls he meets.

A girl walks his direction,

Trying to get his attention.

He passes her by without even blinking,

She thinks to herself, "My god, what was I thinking?"

She doesn't feel beautiful, not even loved.

Her heart was broken, ripped and torn asunder,

How she will ever heal, she can only wonder.

She cries herself to sleep, hoping she could die,

But every time she thinks that, she always starts to cry.

"God, it hurts so bad."

Her Father hears her cries, He heard them from the start.

"My Child, run to me, I will heal your broken heart.

She runs to His loving arms, and He whispers in her ears,

"Beautiful girl, I'll keep you from all harms, no one shall come near."

Beautiful girl, that's what He'd called her.

She could go on living, knowing He was there,

Right there by her side, knowing He would care.

She could kiss the brow that held a crown of thorns,

Feel the hole in His nail pierced hands,

She could run her fingers through His hair, that hair so full of curl.

She could love this man, the man who'd called her Beautiful Girl.

To all the girls who've almost, or have given up on love, remember the one that will always love you, and loved you first; Jesus.

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