If They Could Tell Stories

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Written: Sometime in 2005

If They Could Tell Stories

If the Mountain's could tell stories, what would they tell?

Could they tell us of those who climbed them, and those who have fell?

If the Wood's could tell stories, what would the say?

Could they tell what it is like to feel the breeze in their branches when they sway?

If the Plain's could tell stories, what would they say?

Could they tell us of those who have come before, those who have past away?

What if House's could tell stories, what would they say?

Could they tell us who built them, then let them fade away?

What if we could hear these stories, what would we say?

Would we stand in awe and listen, or scoff and turn away?

If we could tell these stories to our Children, I'd know what to say:

"Listen to these stories I heard, way back in the day.

Let us not take for granted the beauty of God's creation.

But instead, let us stand in Awe of the Mountains and their snowy peaks.

Let us listen to the Peace of the Woods in the quiet night.

Let us hear the Thunder rolling over the Plains with a mighty sound.

Let us look upon the Houses of Old and wonder who lived there.

Let us hear the Laughter of our Children and count ourselves Blessed

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