To Fly

17 5 6

Written: between 2015-2016


My heart stirs within me as I pray to the Almighty God, Lord of all. 

I sense His calling. Caught up on the winds of freedom I hear it oh so faintly.

My purpose. My desires. My dreams.

I stand upon the edge of Reason holding, no, clinging, to the rope of Common Sense. The voice of God whispering excitedly, "Do you want to fly?"

I've always dreamt of flying, of soaring above the clouds without fear or worry. "Of course I do," I respond.

"Then let go."

My grip tightens on the rope, I set my feet firmly. I'm an adult, this is what they do. They don't take risks, they don't jump before knowing what will happen. We play it safe.

But, oh, to fly again!

To jump and know that God would raise me up on the wings like an eagle. To trust with such abandon again!

The whispers come again on the breeze, speaking to my passions. "I've got better for you! But you have to trust. You've got to jump and know that I will catch you."

My heart yearns to let go, to leap into the unknown. But my mind holds to Reason and Common Sense as its lifeline. It tells me if I jump I will die.

It's not safe.

Safety; an illusion!

I don't want safe, my soul withers inside the paddle prison of safety. My soul cries out for adventure, for danger, for passion!

It longs for that which God had promised: Life in abundance.

Oh to drink fully from that cup.

"Write," He says. "Write and I will reveal your heart to you. For this is why I have given this to you: That you may know your heart and write from it.

"It is the deep passion within you that you've pooled up for yourself. Let your passion by a river that flows to others. Write, Stephen, write with all your heart and I shall show you the way."

I let go. 

I fall.

I fly.

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