~Chapter 11~

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Yoongi who's panting for air suddenly shocked when he saw Jimin

". . . . ."


**Jimin's p.o.v**

I coughing so bad,My cheek is hurt also my chest is hurt as well...What happened to me?

I rub my neck at behind.All that I remember is the guy...That help me earlier...He hit me and y/n using that steel..

I looked at the steel...Wait.......Y/n...WHERE'S Y/N?!HE MUST ALREADY TOOK HER AWAY!

I tried too stand up but then I heard someone say

"No no!You shouldn't stand up!You're hurt."

I look at his face but it was blurry..But when the vision became normal..I realise that it was Namjoon-hyung.H-he's still alive...

"H-hyung.."I said looked at him.

"What happened to you?Where's y/n?"Namjoon-hyung asked me

"He...He took y/n away..We must save her..B-before he cut y/n..."I said while trying to stand up

I saw someone still stand at the door.So I look towards him and he suddenly gave a hug like y/n did..But...M-more tighter.

"D-dude..L-let me go!I can't breath!"I said begging him to let me go.

He release me and ask

"Who are you calling me by 'dude' huh?"He looked at me and smiled.

"Who are you calling me by 'dude' huh?"He looked at me and smiled

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That gummy smile.....It's reminds me of someone I know...

"Y-yoongi?"I asked while look at him disbelief

"Finally!You remembered me!I thought that you will never remember this handsome face ever again!"He said happily while hugged me once again

Yeah...He doesn't change...At all.

I pat his back and he release me from wraping his arm around me.

"Come on let's save y/n." I start walking to the operation room that's pretty far from here.

"What do you want to do if he caught you?What if he attack you using something sharp that he hold to cut y/n?It might be dangerous for you tho."Namjoon asked me in a worried voice.

"We attack him together then."I said straightly and they slightly nodded

"Okay then."

"Let's go."


**Someone's p.o.v**

I knew it.They're hiding something from me for this whole time.

"Uh sir..should we get in and approach them now?"The one of skuad member ask my father.

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