About You!

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You are from a planet where all your people were either killed or destroyed. In fact, your entire planet was destroyed. Luckily, you made it to a pod.

Your species has the ability to morph at will.

You can change into a specific person or animal or different type of alien.

You are very skilled in combat. You are very charming and are an ambiverted person.

When you are not ticked off you are charming, fun, and easy to get along with, but if someone does make you angry, you won't hesitate to smack them upside the head. You don't really need protection and you are pretty good at being independant. But you always enjoy ranting to somebody.

You have a habit of changing your hair to signify your mood. Like if it is dark red, they know not to bother you.

I hope you enjoy this story!

Robin Out!

~ Robin 🥚

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