Part 1// Finding Voltron

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Your P.O.V.

I let out a sigh as I watched my world die. Yes, I know, I sound cruel. But I had to escape. I had no living family anyway. I turned my head away from the window. My eyes faced the stars. "Well, there goes my hope of settling down," I slouched. I let my pod drift as a pondered why the galra had chosen my world. I mean, we aren't the hosts of some mystical lions or a mining facility or anything important. Just a small world of basically only farmers. And I hated it.

I guess the galra wanted vegetables too. I chuckled at the thought of a galra eating a pink berry jam. That sounds totally like the galra. I laughed even harder as I imagined Zarkon himself enjoying a pink berry.

My laughing died down and I sat in the chair.

Just as I sat down, a ship came through a wormhole. "Holy Quiznak!" I breathed. "Contact contact contact," I whispered. I typed in the signal code.
I was greeted by seven faces that didn't look too hostile. "Hello, this is pod 27 from planet Uaphus!" I said to them. The one in blue seemed like he was about to say something but the one in black hushed him.

Then the one in black spoke to me, "My name is Shiro and we are the paladins of Voltron." I held back a gasp. Voltron!? "My name is (name) and Uaphus, my planet, just got destroyed by the galra, the people either taken or killed..." I said. The one in blue had been looking at his feet looked up at me. I had to admit, he was pretty good looking. Tall, with dark blue eyes, tanned skin, and well toned.

"Do I have permission to land my pod and come in?" I asked. "Of course!" Said a white haired woman. "Thank you!" I said gladly. I turned on my rockets and landed it in the open landing bay. I stepped out of the pod relievedly. I was greeted by three members of team Voltron. Shiro from before, the guy in blue, and an irritated guy in red.
The guy in blue just seemed to stand out to me. He had playfulness, yet serious.  He had happiness and childlike joy and also great sadness in his aura. He seemed... relaxed. "My name is Lance!" He said with a charming voice. "And I'm Keith," said the guy in red. "I'll go tell the rest she's in," said Keith, excusing himself. I could tell I wasn't going to like him. I think I'm going to enjoy Lance's company though!

Lance's P.O.V.

And there I was... Face to face with the prettiest girl I had ever seen! But I wasn't going to flirt, I mean, that's heartless, her world just got destroyed. I blushed when I saw her staring at me. "Hi..." I said, waving.

"Sorry," she said looking away. "So Keith doesn't seem fun..." she said. I laughed, "Mullet? Yeah, he's probably the only one who doesn't actually smile at all," I said. She giggled at that. She actually giggled! I smiled widely. She was different from all the other girls that I flirted with. Maybe she's the one???
I questioned that theory, but then I trashed it. Nah, we're only 17. Well... I'm only 17. I looked at my feet. What should I do? Should I talk? Should I-

When I looked up I saw her back retreating while she was talking with Shiro. I rushed to catch up.

"Oh! Hey Lance!" She said with a small wave. I blushed wildly, but she probably thought it was something else. Hopefully. "So, um..." Maybe I should flirt. Because, start out with something you know, then ease into new things! "Are you from outer space? Because your body is out of this world!" I said with a wink. She chuckled and looked at Shiro.
"Is he always like this?" She asked. "Pretty much," sighed the man with the white floof. I looked at my feet with a huff. She probably thought all I was is a goofball.

I got a good look at her again. Pretty (hair length) (hair color) hair, beautiful (skin color) skin. And the most beautiful pair of (eye color) eyes in the universe. She was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen!

I walked with her and Shiro. They were talking about how long she should stay and where.
When they got to where my head snapped up. "There's a room next to mine that's open!" I yelled. She giggled and said, "Perfect."
And then she did the most unexpected thing. She hugged me... My face turned a bright shade of tomato red. Shiro smirked at my blushing face. She stepped back. "I can tell that we're going to get along," she said charmingly.

"Yeah, me too, I always get along with people as attractive like me!" I said. She burst out laughing and I turned beet red. "You are funny!" She chuckled. My face turned even darker than it was.
"So Lance, when can I have a tour?" She asked.
"Well, uh, I'll give you a tour-"
"No, we have to let Allura meet her first," said Shiro cutting me off.

"Uh (name)?" I asked. "Yes?" She asked.
"Well, um, what about your planet did the galra want?" I asked casually. She shrugged, "Honestly, I have no idea."

As soon as she said that we reached the bridge. Allura walked over to us, Coran, Hunk, and Pidge by her sides, Keith was probably training. "Hello I am Pricess Allura, it is good to meet you (name)!" She said brightly. "Thank you Princess," she said with a slight bow. She was polite too!
"Hi I'm Pidge!" Said Pidge sticking her hand out. "My name is (name) but you already know that," (Name) said with a smile.

Your P.O.V.

I shook hands with a small girl in green named Pidge. She looked kind of like a boy at first, but once I got a good look, I figured she was a girl. "And I'm Hunk!" Said a male shaking my hand. "(Name)!" I said brightly. Most of these people seemed nice. "And me!" Said a man with a mustache. I shook his hand. "I am Coran!" He said. I chuckled.
Lance was by my side and I looked back over at him.

"So how about that tour?" I asked.

Oof. Hiya! It's Robin! Out with the first chapter of this story! I hope you enjoyed my little eggs!

-Robin 🥚

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