Part 4// Can She Stay?

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Your P.O.V.

I wake up to a purple furred face in mine. "Gah! Domino! You scared me!" I hissed. "Sorry, but it's morning!" I looked out the window. It was indeed morning.

I got a knock at my door. "Uh, who's there?" I asked. "Me!" It was Lance. "Lance can come in," winked Domino. "Yeah, come on in," I said. Lance came in and came face to face with Domino. "Agh! What's she doing here?!"

"That's a good question Lance," my hair was bright red, showing intrigue. "Well, ahem, I was kicked out of my house for being Galra!" She said, giving us a jazz hands.

"That's just wrong!" Said Lance angrily. I nodded, Domino didn't deserve that. "Also I got fired... Can you guess why?" Domino asked.  We didn't even have to guess. I hugged Domino reassuringly.

"I'm so sorry Dom," I said.

She smiled sadly, "It's not your fault. I just need you to hide me in a closet until tomorrow, then I can stay in a hotel..."

I suddenly had a bright idea. "What if you stayed here?"

I looked at Lance and he gave me the thumbs up. Although Domino looked kind of anxious. But then I didn't have time to care. "Come on, let's go spring this on Allura!"

I grabbed Domino's wrist and dragged her to the bridge with Lance trailing behind us.

Allura glared at me and the Galra, Hunk looked nervous, Pidge looked intrigued, Shiro was oddly pleased, and Keith just looked at Domino, then at his feet. Coran walked up to her. "And who might you be young lady?" Domino curtsied, "Domino! At your service!"

"How polite!" Said Coran. "Let me ex-" I began, but Domino said something else.

"I am seeking a place to stay, away from the Galra, I was kicked out of the Blade of Marmora for having too much emotion. And- and my father is Kolivan..." she said. There was a gasp when she said Kolivan was her father. I blinked at how brave Domino was.

"Is this the Domino from your planet?" Asked Hunk.

"I stayed with her when I was kicked out... She probably told you we were grade school friends?" Domino looked at me. I nodded.

Lance was behind me and I didn't notice until he grabbed my hand. "Come with me while they figure this out..." he said. I nodded. Domino signaled me that she could handle this alone.

Lance and I went to his room. "Lance, why did you like me?" I asked. "Well, you're loyal, sweet, smart, sassy, and don't let anyone mess around with you," he said back to me.

I looked at the brunette. He turned to face me, royal blue eyes locking with mine. I leaned forward and pecked him on the lips. Lance blushed. "Wow, you're a good kisser!" He mumbled.

I chuckled. I hugged Lance and sat down. "Lance, I like you too," I proclaimed.

Lance's P.O.V.

Wow. I never imagined she'd say that. Then again, I didn't think she was going to go on a date with me either. I blushed again.  I laid down on my bed and she came and laid down beside me. It was calming. We were forced to be close by the bed. I could feel her hand on my chest. I didn't want to move.

I wrapped one arm protectively around her and my eyes began to close. She was my last thought before falling asleep.

|T I M E S K I P|

When I woke up, it was towards noon and I felt (name)'s body next to mine. I nuzzled my face into her hair. She smelled sweet and she was warm. I inched away, not wanting to wake her up.

Once I was out of bed, I kissed her forehead and then headed for the bridge. "Hiya Goofball!" Said Pidge. I stuck out my tongue. "Immature," said Keith but his body language signified something, he was tense..

"So, what happened?" I asked. "Domino is staying," said Allura briskly. "Isn't that good?" I questioned.

"Maybe, but she's still Galra," hissed Allura. I saw Keith flinch. I kind of felt bad for the poor guy. "I'll help her find a roo-" I was about to say, but it seemed like being Galra was a disease to Allura. So she had Keith do it.

I went back to (name). "Why did you leave me?" She asked softly. "I, um, had to use the restroom," I said, making up something believable. "Whatever," she yawned.

"(Name), how about we go out again?" I asked.

"That would be one of the most amazing things ever," she said. She looked up her (eye color) eyes meeting my royal blue ones.

Your P.O.V

I looked into Lance's deep royal blue eyes. Then, I looked away with a slight blush. "Anyway, how about a really romantic date," he said.

I nodded. "Wear formal then, cause I have an idea," said Lance.

Hngggggg, sorry it's so short!!!! I promise you, the next chapter will be longer!

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