Part 6// We Have A Dance

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Your P.O.V.

Lance and I had danced the entire night away until dawn. He smiled at me. "We should take down the lights and go to bed," I decided. "Good idea," he said, stroking my hand.

We took down the lights, cleaned off the floor, and picked up the CD player. "We should do that again," I said, putting the lights in their box. "That sounds good, I had so much fun-" he was cut off by the chatter of voices.

"They don't know yet," said a masculine voice. Keith, I realized. "Maybe we should tell them, it's for the best!" It was a feminine voice. Dread ran like icy claws over me. Domino. I spun around to face Lance.

"I know why Keith has been acting odd!" I whispered. "Why?" Asked Lance as we crept out the other door. "He's been seeing Domino!" I said. Lance raised his eyebrows. "Mullet? Is dating Purple Furry Gal?" He asked.

I lightly punched him. "Don't call Domino a furry, and especially don't call her a furry to her face," I said. "And second, Domino has always had a thing for defensive people, although she said I was her first non-defensive friend," I continued.

"Anyway... This changes so much, if they can date, so can we!" I said. Lance blinked his royal blue eyes at me. They sparkled with hope. "Yeah! If Mullet-Brains can have a girlfriend, why can't I?" He said.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Relationship?" I asked. "Relationship."

We were confirmed. I grabbed his hands and we ran down the hall. "Lance and I are dating!" I yelled down the hall. My hair was a happy shade of blue.

Hunk poked his head out of the kitchen. "Congratulations you two!" He said, looking at us with bright brown eyes. Pidge popped out beside him. "Took you long enough," she chuckled, shifting her glasses.

I shook my head. "Anyway, Lance and I are dating, have you seen Keith?" I asked.

"He went to the training deck with Domino. I guess Galra stick together," said Hunk. Pidge elbowed him. "Sorry, gotta keep my thoughts in my head sometimes," he said shyly.

"Thanks!" I said. Lance and I went back to the training deck. And that's when I saw them...

Lance's P.O.V.

I saw Domino and Keith in a tight hug. I listened to their words.

"The others don't need to know Keith, we can just be in love, and when they find out, they will, and we will stand through it together," said Domino softly, so soft, I almost couldn't hear.

"But Domino, what if they send you away?" He whimpered. "I have my ways," she said slyly. What ways? I wondered.

"Let's go," said Domino.

I looked at (name) who was looking back at me. We were about to leave, but it was too late. "Were you two spying on us?" Growled Keith. "Calm down!" Said Domino, flicking him. "How much did you hear?" She asked turning to me.

"Not much," I replied truthfully. I could tell that Keith was about to argue, but Domino cut him off. "Don't tell anybody else," she warned. I nodded. She looked at (name) who was looking at Domino with her eyebrows raised. "You are dating the most annoying guy in the galaxy," she said.

"No you are!" Hissed an offended Keith, gesturing to me. I folded my arms. "At least I have nice hair," I hissed. "Can we not fight like six year olds?" Groaned (name).

I blushed sheepishly. "Sorry (name)," I said.

She ruffled my hair. "How could I stay mad at you?" She asked. "I don't know, try?" I snickered. She rolled her eyes and pecked me on the cheek.

Domino and Keith awkwardly looked at eachother. The Galran female rubbed her arm. "Uh, should we go?" She asked. "Do whatever you want," I said. Domino shrugged and walked to the kitchen. "Anyway, (name), you, me, movie, my room?" I asked.

She gave me a smile and a thumbs up. Her smile is the most beautiful thing in the universe. I leaned down and pecked her on the lips. She chuckled. "Let's go, I call movie choice!" She called.

We ran down the hall to my room. We ended up racing. I let her win just to see her gloat adorably. She stood in front of me. "Slow poke!" She chuckled, poking my chest playfully. "What movie?" I said, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

She looked at me with a smirk. "The Road to El Dorado!" She said.

"Oh really?" I said. She nodded. "Fine with me!" I chuckled. She opened the door and flopped onto my bed. "You get to do the controls!" She said. I shrugged. "Okay," I said, plopping down beside her.

She handed me the remote and I turned on the movie.

Timeskip brought to you by Chris Evans

(Name) had fallen asleep while the movie played. She had her head rested on my chest and she was softly snoring.

I heard an angry yell from the bridge. (Name) snapped up. "What was that!?" She yelped. "It sounded like Allura," I said. She got off me and I stood up. She followed me out of the room and to the bridge.

"You two are as thick as thieves and I should have known you were seeing her! You are a traitor! Seeing possibly hostile alien-" Allura had probably found out about Domino and Keith. I squeezed (name)'s hand reassuringly.

Shiro stood behind Keith and Domino with a frown on his face. "Allura, Keith is not a traitor!" He huffed. "You are only saying that because you deny that he is guilty!" She snarled.

Domino stood in front of Keith definsively. "For your information, I met him because he came to my café, and he noticed I was Galra, and he wanted to know more about his culture, so I taught him!" She growled. "Wouldn't you do that for someone?" She finished.

I thought about what she said. The Galra woman was right. I could love in my own way. And I am in love with (name).

Eyo! Robin here! Here's your update! Average length.

Anyway, my sister called me a crispy butt nugget today, so... that happened. But I have been reading this to her at night and so she has stopped teasing me about Keith.

I'm sure she likes Lance now! XD

At the end of this book, there will be a preview for my Hunk book. But you have to wait! Enjoy this book. SAVOR IT!


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