Part 2// Blanket

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Lance's P.O.V.

I lead (name) around the Castle until we reached my room again. She seemed to really like the lounge. And I wouldn't blame her. She seemed like a relaxed person. And I liked that in a girl. Or a relationship... Maybe we could play an ice breaker game???

"So, come on into my room!" I beckoned excitedly. "Okay," she chuckled at my enthusiasm. I plopped down on my bed and she did with me. "How are you already so comfortable?" I asked. "Well, I never really had a home and I had to get comfortable staying with people," she said shrugging.
"Interesting..." I murmured. "Thanks for being so welcoming Lance," she said, placing her hand on mine. And then I noticed. She shivered. "Are you cold?" I asked. "Just a little!" She joked.

I grabbed the wrinkled blanket from my bed. I wrapped it around her shoulders. She hummed in happiness. "Is that better?" I asked. "Much, thank you!" The (hair color) headed girl said. "Of course, we wouldn't want our new friend getting cold!" I said shaking my finger. "You're hilarious Lance!" She giggled.
I needed to find out her preference in men so I could see if she was available for me! "So... What do you like in guys?" I asked casually. She threw her head back in laughter. "We literally just met!" I looked at her inquizitively. "And you're all curled up in my blanket!"

"Touché Lance," she chuckled. Now I was cold. She seemed to notice and opened the blanket for me to join so I did. "So, favorite color?" I asked. "Erm, (your favorite color)," she replied. "I'm guessing yours is blue?" She asked. "Yep!" I chirped. She giggled. "Um fear?" I asked second. "Spiders..." she shivered. "I hate spiders too!" I gasped. "Great, now I bet you, that everybody else hates spiders so now, nobody will kill them. Well, maybe Keith will... he seemed destructive..." she said.

I roared with laughter. "Yes! Keith is very annoying and destructive!" Our laughing died down as Shiro knocked on the door.

"You want some dinner?" He called. "Yeah! I am starving!" (Name) said.

"Wait, it's even colder out there... I have an idea..." I said with a smirk.

Your P.O.V.

Well, now me and Lance were connected by his sky blue blanket. The girl known as Pidge let out a small chuckle at the sight of us walking down to the table in the blanket together. "I see you two are comfortable!" Said Shiro. "Very," I replied.
"Do you guys know how warm Lance is???" I asked. Pidge and Hunk laughed, Keith rolled his eyes, Shiro smiled, and Allura and Coran whispered. "Anyway, what flavor of food goo are we having today?" Asked Lance.

"Mushroom and chicken!" Said Hunk proudly. Me and Lance sat next to eachother and dug into the green goo. I wolfed mine down while Lance ate his daintily, but quickly. But I kind of wanted to stay and talk. So we did, not wanting to separate our warm little cocoon. I decided to start with Pidge. "So Pidge, what are some of your hobbies?" The small girl looked up at me with bright brown eyes. "Well, I like science! And tech..." she said. "That's very cool and your favorite color is green I presume?" I asked.  "Actually, I like a light amber color!" She chirped.

"That's cool!" I said. She nodded then looked at her wrist and gasped. "I have to go give Green a bath! I'll be back fast!"

She rushed out of the dining room to go clean her lion. So I turned to Shiro. "How did you get your arm?" I asked. He looked down at the piece of Galra tech, "Well, when I was a prisoner of the Galra, they took my other arm and gave me this!" He lit it up a glowing pinkish-purple color. "The galra are nothing but trouble," hissed Allura. I swear I saw Keith flinch when she said that.

I looked back at the black paladin, "It's a long story, I'll tell you later," his eyes flicked to Keith and Allura and back to me, "Now's not the time..."

"Anyway, what's your, um, favorite animal?" I asked casually. "I absolutely love cats! They are so adorable and cute and small and sweet and loving  and smart!" He rambled. I laughed at how excited he was over a small creature. I knew about Earth because it was in my school curriculum.

"Well you are interesting!" I said patting him on the back. He chuckled. "I hope to get to know you better too! And did you notice that your hair is matching Lance's blanket?"

"Yep! It means I'm in a talking mood!" I replied to Shiro.

I turned my attention to Hunk, who seemed to have gotten seconds. "So Hunk, I take it you're a foodie?" I asked. "Very much!" He said, his mouth full. I chuckled and Hunk said, "I am the best cook on this ship!" He looked so proud. I then looked at Keith. He shook his head, "Oh no, no questions for me unless I ask them."

"Okay, ask away!" I said.

"Do you miss anyone from your planet?" He asked. "As a matter of fact, I miss my old friend Domino!" I said strongly. "Was he your boyfriend or something?" Asked Keith. "No, and she was my friend through grade school," I replied. Keith's eyes widened, evidently he didn't know Domino could be a girl's name.

"Anyway, anything else Keith?" I asked. He waved his hand no to signal that he was done. "You look nice Allura," I complimented. "This old thing? It's nothing really..." she said softly. Although her eyes told a different story.
"Last thing from your parents?" I guessed. She nodded with a sad smile.
"Oh... it's beautiful Allura," I replied. "But let's not focus on me, you look like you need rest!"

I nodded. "Isn't that the truth, I think I'll go to bed, Lance, you can have custody of your blanket for the night," I sighed getting up. 

"Wait!" Lance called. "Hm?" I said, turning on my heel.

"I have two, have this one, they didn't supply blankets when I first got here," he said smiling. "Thanks Lance!" I said, wrapping it around myself. "It's not as warm as you, but it'll do!" I chuckled.

I turned back around and walked to my room. I buried my face into the blanket. It still smelled like the sweet, clean, scent of Lance. I drifted off into sleep.

WHAT!? NO! Two chapters in one day!!??
That's right, I did it, and I hope you liked it! And there will be more Lance in the future.



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