permission - Finn

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y/b/f — your best friends name
y/n — your name
y/e/c — your eye color
y/h/c — your hair color
y/l/n — your last name

Finn has been flirting with me all year at school, however, I am not someone to be messed with. I've heard that he tends to date a girl for 3 to 6 days and then dump them because they're all over him. Yes, he's attractive. Yes, he's funny. Yes, he's smart. Yes, he's good at flirting. And yes, he does give me butterflies when he's around or when he compliments me.

Even though he makes me feel like this, I have to push the emotions aside because the last thing I need right now is to get my heart broken.
My parents have been fighting a lot lately about their business. My sister is off at college so she can't help me or make me laugh. My cat, and best friend, is sick and doesn't have much longer. Everything good in my life is falling apart.

Although I have all of these problems, my best friend y/b/f is always here for me. For this, I am greatly thankful. She has been my friend since 6th grade and we're in 10th now. I love her with all of my heart. The only thing that gets on my nerves about her is that she thinks Finn and I would "look cute together".

She knows how I get around him and she always tries to get us around each other because she said that he told her that he has feelings for me like no one else he's ever met. I think that's a bunch of bullshit, though.

And NOW, I have to kiss him in our school play written and casted by a student named Jack Morris. That theatrical dickwad. Finn plays Johnny and I play Sally. It takes place in the 50's so, for the kiss scene, we go to a drive in theater. It's supposed to be about not judging a book by its cover so it's really cheesy. Oh well.


It's the kissing scene now and everyone is watching us.

"Uh, Sally?", Finn says playing Johnny.

"Yeah, Johnny?", I say in my most innocent voice.

"*sigh* I know I seem like a jerk and I date too many girls but I've never actually liked any of them like I like you. I know I sound really cheesy right now but hear me out. You aren't at my beck and call...", he's going off of script. What's he doing?

"...and you don't pretend to be someone you're not because you just don't need to be! You are so independent but also really sympathetic. You don't need anyone else's help and you make that very clear. For that reason, I absolutely adore and love you, y/— Sally.", he finishes almost saying my name.

"Oh, Johnny! I love you, too!", I say almost saying his name like he almost said mine.

He leans in to kiss me but stops for a second to look in my eyes somewhat asking for permission. I nod my head and lean in, as well. The moment our lips touch, I feel like I just rode a rollercoaster. Lightheaded, thrilled, and happy. It felt good. It felt right.


I started walking up to y/b/f so I could talk to her about the play.

"Soooo, how was that kiss up there?", she asked wiggling her eyebrows a little too aggressively.

"You better not tell anyone this but it felt amazing", she looked up over my shoulder and back down as I talked a couple times but I ignored it. "He sounded so genuine that it kind of felt like he was talking to me. And the way he asked for my permission to kiss me was beyond cute! And when I finally did kiss him, it felt so right! I felt like I could fly! That's how lightheaded I was—", I stopped when someone tapped my shoulder from behind. Oh.. my.. god. It was Finn.

My face began to burn and I felt extremely embarrassed. He looked at me with a heartfelt smile.

"I'm sorry! I probably weirded you out and made you feel—", he cut me off.

"Did you mean everything you just said? Like how kissing me felt right?", he looked really flustered which made me lightly smile.

"Of course I did, Finn", y/b/f tapped your shoulder and gave you the 'imma leave you alone' signal. "Why did you change the script up there? You might get in trouble now", I asked confused.

"Actually, I asked Jack if I could make it up when I was up there and he said yes. I said that to you, not Sally, but to you", he said looking straight into my eyes.

"Did you feel anything when you kissed me? Like how I did? Nevermind, that's a stupid question. You've probably kissed so many other girls—", I said quickly but he still managed to cut me off... again.

"About that... that was actually my first kiss. You know, up on stage. I've dated a bunch of girls and they all say we've kissed and that makes me so angry because we haven't so I break up with them. I just want someone who likes me for me and not for my looks. You know?", he finishes off leaving me surprised.

"Of course I know. I feel like that all the time except no one really wants me at all", I say with a little sad chuckle.

"Hey, hey, hey. That's not true, I actually know a guy who really likes you", well that burns. He doesn't like me.

"I doubt that", I said disappointed now that he doesn't like me.

"Nope. It's true. Guess who it is", he says kind of excitedly.

"I don't know, you?" I say just kidding. I expect him to say no but he just stands there staring at me with a little smile creeping onto his face. "Wait, for real?", I ask still kind of shocked.

"Hehe... yeah", he says looking down at his feet.

"Hey", I lift his chin up with my finger, "I like you, too", I say looking into his eyes. I look down at his lips and this time I ask for his permission. He slowly nods his head. Our lips touch once again but this time it feels like I didn't just ride a roller coaster, it feels like I rode a rocket ship.

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