waiting - Finn

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Finn is the perfect boyfriend. He's so sweet to me, he's hilarious, he's smart, he's a great listener, and he's not afraid to talk about how he feels with me. There's just one thing that's really been bothering me.

He hasn't told me he loves me. I already know that i'm in love with him but... I haven't said it either. I know that you can't expect someone to do something if you haven't done it either. I'm being a total hypocrite but I'm really nervous to say it because he might not feel the same yet or ever. That's why i'm waiting for him to say it first. The big "I love you."

I feel like it's pretty obvious that I love him, though. We're around each other all the time and we don't hesitate to compliment each other or make a weird joke. We'll do literally anything in the presence of one another. Maybe not everything... but most things. We also haven't kissed yet which bums me out too but that's besides the point.

Yet still... no "I love you."

[start texting]

Finnie 💍💖

good morning dorky ❤️

good morning daddy 💓

oh alright then 😉


mhm suuurrree autocorrect


yeah okay you totally meant to say "dummy" ;)


FINN:okay okay sorry but i'll be at your house in like 5 min so get out of bed child!

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okay okay sorry but i'll be at your house in like 5 min so get out of bed child!

okay i'll see you then byyeee

[end texting]

"Shit!", I whisper-yelled. By that point, I still hadn't gotten out of bed let alone get dressed. Like usual, I let my mom know that i'm getting dressed by, of course, screaming to her.

"MOM I'M GETTING DRESSED, NOW", I yelled from my room.

"OKAY, Y/N", I faintly heard her yell back.

Alright, now it was time to find something comfortable yet cute to wear for Finn and I's usual day, laying in my room and doing nothing.

I started looking through my drawers for something to wear and I finally found something that looked okay.

Before getting my outfit, though, I put a little bit of makeup on. Just my everyday stuff which is just mascara, eyebrow gel, a tiny bit of blush and highlight, and clear lip gloss. Sometimes I put concealer on my blemishes if I need to. Then I started to get dressed.

I had a pink, thrasher t-shirt (#notsponsoredbutwishiwas), black yoga pants, a blue scrunchie to put my hair up with, and my fluffy socks because a girl needs her fluffy socks!

I got my pants on, put my fluffy socks on because my feet were already getting cold, and I was about to put my shirt on but I got kinda distracted.

I had just gotten a new Calvin Klein bra and I was obsessed with it. It was so comfortable, light weight, and cute. Obviously no one would see it but me but I still liked how it looked. As I was admiring my bra and (DONT JUDGE) kinda fixing the way my boobs sat in the bra to make it more comfortable, I hadn't noticed the click of the front door... or the sound of footsteps.

"Hey y/n i'm h- OH", Finn said realizing I wasn't wearing a shirt.

I slightly gasped and put my shirt on as fast as I could with a completely red face that matched Finn's.

"MOM I TOLD YOU I WAS GETTING DRESSED! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME FINN WAS COMING???", I yelled in a whining tone to my mom.

"I DON'T KNOW! I THOUGHT YOU WOULD'VE BEEN DRESSED BY NOW", she yelled back defensively.

Finn just kind of stood there with an expression I couldn't read. Then he just burst out laughing.

"What?", I asked confused.

"You were literally just looking in the mirror and touching your boobs! It was funny!", he said while laughing.

"I was fixing them!", I said defending myself.

"So they would look better?", he asked still laughing.

"No I- well I guess so but I was just fixing them so I was more comfortable", I said answering him.

"Whatever you say...", he said with a goofy smirk.

I decided to get payback for him being a butthead to me that morning by using his own words against him. A couple days prior, he said he was most ticklish on his stomach and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to use that.

He was now sitting on my bed and went to grab his phone because he got a notification. When he wasn't looking, I jumped on him and started tickling his stomach.

"NO NO NO STOP Y/N PLEASE I BEG OF YOU AHHHHH", he said laughing and squirming.

"You're being a huge butthead so this is revenge silly boy", I said snickering like a villain.


I stopped tickling him and let him breathe. He was laying on his back and breathing heavily so I flopped down next to him. I just stared at him as he was catching his breath.

"What?", he asked, turning to face me.

"Nothing, you're just cute. Also, wanna know a secret?", I said casually. This was it. I was gonna say it.

"Yes, tell me", he said turning on his side to face me, resulting in me doing the same. I sighed before confessing.

"I love you, Finn", I said nervously.

"I love you, too, y/n", he said with a soft smile.

"Oh thank god", I said with a sigh of relief.

"Hm?", he asked confused.

"I was nervous you wouldn't say it back... that's all", I said shyly.

"Of course I would say it back! I was waiting for you to say it first just incase you didn't feel the same", he said explaining himself.

"Me, too."

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