movie night - Mike

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By the way, you and Mike are 16 in this.

Usually movie nights with Mike are either funny, scary, action packed, or childish. We never really watch romantic movies or ever get too close to each other but tonight was different. Mike invited me over "to talk and watch a movie".

I got scared about the 'talk' thing because maybe he was going to tell me he hated me and told me the movie part so I would think otherwise. I was going regardless, but I was still really nervous.


I knocked on the front door of Mike's house and, as usual, Karen (mrs wheeler) opened it.

"Hey, y/n! Back for another movie night?", she asked cheerfully.

"Yep! Is Mike downstairs?", I asked trying to act as normal (and not nervous) as possible.

"Yep, you can go down right about now, have fun!", she said happily. I'm so glad Karen likes me, I thought as I walked down the steps to his basement.

I reach the bottom step to see that Mike is pacing around the room while talking to himself.

"You okay, Mike?", I ask getting a little worried.

"Oh! Hey, y/n! Umm, actually... I really need to tell you something... it's kind of important", he says straying away from eye contact. "Here, sit down", he points to the couch.

"Do you hate me?", I ask scared.

"What? No!", he said loudly.

"I just thought because you've been acting really strange and looking uncomfortable around me for the past few days that maybe you hate me and don't want to be my friend anymore but I mean I'm totally fine if you feel that way...", though I really wasn't because I have feelings for him but I was just trying to be nice and continued, "even though—".

"Y/N!!!", I stopped rambling. "I wanted to talk to you for the opposite reason, I don't want to be friends with you. I want to be more than that. You're kind, funny, smart, silly, and very oblivious", he giggled. "Y/n... I love you. And I know we're only 16 but I've just wanted to be so much more than just friends", he finished.

I looked at him with wide eyes and a smile on my face. He softly smiled back. We both leaned in and gave each other a warm little kiss. We looked into each other's eyes with desire and love and somewhat agreed without even speaking to do it again. This time, however, was much more loving and passionate... and longer. After a couple minutes of just kissing, he asked if he could kiss my neck. Me being the weird person I am I agreed harshly.

"Yes! I- uhm- yeah sure", I said awkwardly. He just giggled in response.

"You sure?", he asked once more. I nodded with a smile. He kissed my lips, then my cheek, then my chin, then my jawline, and finally he reached my neck. He left small kisses everywhere until he reached my ticklish spot. He heard me giggle and started to kiss it more and more. Eventually I was trying to push him away because it tickled so much but then I decided to fight back.
I brought his face to my level and kissed his lips making him stop what he was doing. I then tickled him too by kissing his neck and—

"Hey! You kids okay down there? Just checking in", Karen spoke down the staircase.

"Yep! Just watching a funny movie!", Mike yelled to her.

"Okay, then. Don't have too much fun!", she said with a laugh at the end. Mike and I both looked at eachother and then our necks. We had little purple-ish pink-ish marks everywhere. We giggled to ourselves.

"You got it, Mom!", Mike yelled back with a smirk on his face. We heard the door shut and we burst into laughter.

"A little too late, eh?", I said with a chuckle.

"It looks like it", he replied. We then decided to watch Grease, a romantic musical.

About 45 minutes into the movie, my mind started going crazy with thoughts and questions. I decided to ask Mike the big question.

"Mike...what are we?", I asked hesitantly.

"Whatever you feel comfortable with", he said with a warm smile.

"I love you, Mike. I want to be with you more than I want anything else in the world. Is that okay?" I asked hoping for a yes.

"I love you, too, y/n. I feel the same about being with you. Will you be my girlfriend, y/n?", he asked with hope in his eyes. I leaned in and kissed him in response.

"I absolutely will, Mike", I said with my forehead touching his. We spent the rest of the night cuddled up to each other finally as a couple. A moment we had both been waiting for  for years.

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