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Anthony took me to escort a patient with a wheelchair and the whole time we kept flirting and playing around. Im pretty sure the paitent got uncomfortable but oh well.

Once I was done escorting him Anthony and I went to the escort's room and look who was there. Raymond.

I quietly sat down next to Evie, and played with my badge.

"um whats your name?" he asked.

" Allie" I replied

" are you new here?"

" yes I was actually supposed to be trained by you but instead got trained by Anthony"

His face fell down and he flashed at Anthony with anger. He quickly looked back at me with calm eyes.

" oh uh sorry, I was at practice for football" he said quickly.

" you play football? what year are you in?" I questioned.

" sophomore and varsity."

woah. sophomore and varsity. dang.

" here give me your number so I can give you any information needed" he said

" alright"

I gave him my number and hoped that Anthony would say something to make me get out of this room.

He was gone..

Minutes past and he returned ready to leave, I checked my phone and it read 8:30. I gathered my belongings and waved goodbye to everyone.

I felt anger boil inside me when i saw him, he didnt even say bye or didnt even talk to me when he was around others, just when it was us two, alone. I nudged the thoughts to the back of my brain, and saw i was getting closer to him. Anthony was just ahead of me, so I decided to catch up with him. Boy was that a mistake.

We started talking and he said he had a car and could drive me home if I needed to. I denied his offer.

Once we both checked out, we left through I hidden passage and Anthony took me to a secluded area of the hospital. He turned around and pulled me into him.

" um what are you doing?" I asked him

" just hugging" he said nonchalantly.

I turned around going the other wah but Anthony catched up and grabbed me from behind, making sure his lower region was upon my butt.

" um what are we doing exactly?  is this like a standkng version of spooning? " I asked

" just go along with it okay?"


he kept playing with me, touching me and that was when he turned me around and looked at me with his big, hazel eyes. He began lowering his pink lips towards mine.

I stopped him.

" uhm"

" whats wrong" he asked.

"I dont know" I said

" Do you want to kiss me?" he said as he seductively held me by his chest, his heart beating for an answer.

" Its your decision, if you dont we can go our separate ways, never meet again, forget all of this. What so you say?" His voice cracks on the last word, his eyes desperately waiting for my answer...

" I've never done this before, especially ever since I broke up with my ex boyfriend. But I will do it, yes"

He looked at me with a smile, and layed himself down near a rock, he went up and grabbed me by the cheeks and roughly started kissing me. He pointed her erected crotch in my inner hips and started rocking and swaying into me. I was disgusted by how a guy can do this to a girl, but lust filled inside, and it was pure desire that I wanted.

He flicked his tongue on my lips, assking for entrance, I allowed him and he forcefully entered my mouth. He grabbed my ass and pinched it ever so slightly. I was on cloud nine, felt as if nothing would stop this...

Until the phone rang, shit.

I stopped our make up session and opened my purse. I was my dad.

" one second" I told him.

"hello, dad?" I asked too quickly.

" where are you, we were waiting for 10 minutes and youre no where to be found." his voice was loud and his anger could be heard easily.

" um... I .. um. I need to go through the staff part of the hospital. I cant go through the front doors, ill be right there. love you bye." I hung up on my dad.

" Listen I have to go" I said sadly.

" No dont leave me, I can plase you in ways youre ex never did, besides who is your ex boyfriend?" he questioned

" " Alex Medina"

" Shit really!? I know him, we used to be good friends, but he  doesnt talk to me anymore." he replied


"but that wont change anything between us" he said looking at my expression.

" oh okay " I said

" come here, one goodbye kiss" he said and got up from the rock and started walking towards the front of the hospital. We kissed as we walked, even though it was awkward,  it felt amazing.

" I hope I see you around" he said

" yes, and same to you" I replied

He gave me one last kiss, and went the other direction, putting his coat around his shoulder.

I quickly ran towards the front of the hospital, hoping that they didnt get out of the car trying to find me. I saw my dad's truck, an Infiniti,  and ran towards it.

I jumped in the back seat, huffing because of the run.

" so how was your day sweetie?" my mother asked.

" um, it was good, I met new people" I said and thought about Anthony, and my cheeks flushed, creeping upon my cheeks.

" thats good, well lets get home, im guessing upur exhausted from all the walking and such" said my dad, and we drove off.

My mind kept reminiscing of what just happened a couple minutes ago, the kissing, the flirting, everything. It kept haunting me throughtout the car ride.

Did I mess up?

I felt a lower pain in my stomach, im guessing to be guilt. Did I make a mistake?

Did I really just make a fool of myself?

( Hey I hoped you liked this chapter, and I tried making it long, theres way more to this. this was just rhe beginning of a troubled relationship. Will Allie fall for Anthony? Or will it be another bad relationship like her last? Stay tuned.)

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