Do I like him?

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Later in the evening, once I brushed my teeth and was ready for bed, I received a text. I checked the number, who is this?

" Who is this?" I asked

" Its Raymond" he replied

Oh great.

" Um hey" I replied.

" I want to apologize for not coming early and training you, but I must say something." he texted.

"Um its okay, and what is it?" I questioned.

" I really like you, and I would like if you were my girlfriend? " he said

Woah there I barely know this dude, and hes already asking me out?  what the hell.

" Um sorry, I barely know you and you didnt even come to train me." I stated. Might as well tell the truth.

" Please" he begged.

Then, another message appeared on my screen. " Who is it now?!" I said to myself.

" Hello? Whos this?" I asked.

" Its me your babe ;)" they replied.

" Real funny, now tell me now."

i dont want to deal with this shit right now.

" Just kidding, its Anthony."

What the heck? How did he get my number?!.

" Um how did you get my number?" I questioned.

" It was on the volunteer chart. :)" he replied.


" Oh I didnt know that." I said.

I then remembered about Raymond and told him I was going to bed and said my goodbye.

The whole night I texted and flirted with him. He was completely different when it was just us two. He was sweet, caring and funny. He actually wanted to know more about me. No one has ever texted me till midnight, so I was surprised. He finally replied after hours of texting about random things and the kiss. He said he was tired and would hopefully see me in the hospital. I agreed and said my goodnights to him.

That day was probably a wonderful day for me, Allie Johnson. But thwre was one thing that kept running through  me head all night, that made me stay up.

Did I actually like him?

Am I emotionally attached to the kid? Or was it a quick hook up to him?

Does he actually care for me?

All night I kept thinking, emotions running all over, thought spiraling out of control.

what was going on?

( hey you all! quickie and ill try to make my next update longer and get to the more juicer parts ;). I aslo probably wont be to update since im going to Las Vegas for a couple of days. Bit I will try to update this Sunday before I leave. Love you all! And this chapter is for a dear friend of mine, hope you enjoyed especially ;))

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