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After they had captured the RX-800, he was placed in an interrogation room for questioning. The police chief and Detective Anderson stood outside the room staring at the android.

Captain Jeffery sighed, "I guess we're gonna miss the good old days."

"What 'good old days?'" Hank scoffed.

"When people were killed by other people," replied with a stern look at Anderson before opening the interrogation room doors, "Five minutes."

The Captain handed Anderson the case files and winked at the Captain before entering the room. He spread the pictures of dead Dr. Kamski on the table in front of RX-800 before sitting down across from it. RX-800 looked at the pictures, brows crinkling in distress, light flashing yellow

"Murder's a new trick for a robot. Congratulations," Anderson told it.

The android said nothing.

"Respond," Hank ordered sternly.

"What does this action signify?" RX-800 asked, winking, "As you entered... when you looked at the other human. What does it mean?"

"It's a sign of trust. It's a human thing you wouldn't understand," Hank answered.

The android looked down at the graphic pictures before him, " My father tried to teach me human emotions. They are difficult."

"You mean your designer?" Hank suggested.

"Yes," the android stated firmly.

"So why'd you murder him?" Hank inquired.

"I did not murder Doctor Kamski," the android answered.

"Want to explain why you were hiding at the crime scene?" Hank asked, seemingly bored with this line of inquiry.

"I was frightened," RX-800 answered quietly.

"Androids don't feel fear. They don't feel anything," Anderson told it through clenched teeth, "They don't get hungry. They don't sleep..."

He was cut off by the android, "I do. I've even had dreams."

"Human beings have dreams," Hank answered with an emotionless face, "Even dogs have dreams. But not you. You are just a machine. An imitation of life."

RX-800's LED swirled yellow as he contemplated the statement while Hank continued.

"Can an android write a symphony? Can an android turn a canvas into a beautiful masterpiece?"

"Can you?" the android asked.

Hank Anderson clenched his jaw and cleared his throat, having been put in a bit of a corner by the RX-800.

"I think you murdered him because he was teaching you to simulate emotions and things got out of control," Lt. Anderson said, changing the subject.

"I did not murder him," the android said simply.

"I mean emotions don't seem like a very useful simulation for an android," Anderson continued.

"I did not murder him," RX-800 said again, more forcefully.

"Hell, I don't want my toaster or my vacuum cleaner appearing emotional," Hank added, ignoring the android.

"I DID NOT MURDER HIM!" RX-800 yelled, slamming his fists into the table, LED turning red.

The android sat back suddenly, eyes wide as he realized what he had done.HIs LED swirled a dark yellow. He looked down at the two, deep dents his fists had made in the interrogation table.

"That one's called anger," Lt. Anderson said, emotionless, "Ever simulate anger before?"

The android stayed silent as his LED continued to swirl yellow.

"Answer me tin can!" Lt. Anderson yelled, losing his temper.

The RX-800 frowned as his LED blinked red before turning back to blue, "My name is Conner." {A/n: "I'm the android sent by Cyberlife";)}

Hank scoffed with a smile, "So we're naming you now?"

"Is that why you murdered him? He made you angry?"

Conner frowned deeper at the question, "Dr. Kamski killed himself. I don't know why he wanted to die."

Conner reached to brush a finger across one of the pictures as his LED stayed a bright red, "I thought he was happy. Maybe it was something I did... Did I do something?"

Conner's LED was spinning violently, switching between red and yellow.

"He asked me for a favor. Made me promise."

"What favor?" Anderson asked.

"Maybe I was wrong," Conner scowled, "Maybe he was scared."

"What are you talking about?" Hank pressed, "Scared of what?"

"You have to do what someone asks you. Don't you, Lieutenant Anderson?" Conner stared deep into Hank's eyes.

"How the hell did you know my name?" Hank growled.

"Don't you?" Conner repeated, "If you love them?"

}78%{/// Level of Stress///}

Detroit: Become Human/ I-Robot AUWhere stories live. Discover now