Detective Hank Anderson

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Hank Anderson walked through the crowded streets of Detroit on his way to a case. A special case at the building that was an affront to mankind. Cyberlife Tower. Usually, the homicide detective wouldn't set foot anywhere near the hideous thing... but he had been called in because of an old acquaintance was the victim. A man who saved his life during that car accident all those years ago. The accident that cost his son Cole his life. 

Stupid androids. Effing pieces of plastic. The damn things were everywhere. Doing everything. Everything humans didn't want to do anymore. 

As he bumped past one such android, a billboard caught his attention.

"Total Readiness. Total Security. So say goodbye to lengthy upgrades and service calls. An uplink to Cyberlife's central computer provides this state of the art android with new programs daily. The RX-800 is tomorrow's Android today."

Hank scoffed and took another swig of his beer. Damn tin cans!

When he arrived he was met at the door by one of the scientists.

"My name is Dr. Kathryn Celestin. Welcome to Cyberlife," she said with a smile.

"Name's Lt. Anderson. I'm here to find out who pushed Kamski out the window," he deadpanned.

"Of course Lieutenant. This way," the Doctor replied, entering the building.

"Where are the security feeds?" Hank asked.

"Sensor strips," she replied pointing at the glowing lines on the walls, "Everywhere but the service areas. They link to our positronic operating core."

The two looked up at the giant supercomputer above them.

Hank frowned, "Wow. Thermostat wasn't good enough so you went and gave the building a brain."

"She was actually Kamski's first creation," Kathryn replied.

"She?" Hank questioned, "That's a she?"

"Amanda. Named after Kamski's mentor Amanda Stern," Kathryn answered.

"Good Day," the computer said, activating a visual interface in front of them.

"Amanda designed most of Detroit's protective systems," Dr. Kathryn explained.

"I have decreased traffic fatalities by 9% this year alone," Amanda supplied.

"Ooh. Thanks." Hank said sarcastically.


The two had lost the trail of the RX-800 in a warehouse full of the new android model. Hank, frustrated, pulled out his gun.

"Luitenent, what are you doing?" Dr. Celestin asked in a panic.

"You said they have all been programmed with the three laws. So that means we have 1,000 androids that will not try to protect themselves if it violates a direct order from a human. And I'm betting one who will," Anderson explained before quickly raising his gun at the android in front of him.

"Luitenent. Put your gun down," Dr. Celestin ordered.

"Why do you give them faces?" Hank asked in disgust, "Try to friendly them all up? Make them more human?"

Dr. Celestin was starting to shake, "These androids are not susceptible to intimidation."

"I guess if you didn't we wouldn't trust 'em," Hank growled.

"These androids are Cyberlife property," Kathryn said more forcefully.

"Not me," Hank ignored her, "These things are just lights and clockwork."

He pulled the trigger, deactivating the android in front of him. Dr. Celestin gasped in horror and ran to the android's side.

Effing Androids

Detroit: Become Human/ I-Robot AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon