Episode 5

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Xander POV

Huft idk anymore, I don't know how to make my mate believe me that I love him, I need someone to help me, but who?
Hmm.. Someone that know how to deal with it, someone that I can talk to, some-

"Xanderr!! Where are you?" My mom shout to me
Yeahhh my mom!!
"Mom, mom! I need your help!" My mom look at me like I'm crazy, but yeah it's true I'm crazy for my mate.
"Calm down Xander, what happened?"
"I found my mate."
"Oh darling, it's okay I'll help you" I already tell my mom and ask her to help me.
"First you have to do something that make your mate used to your presences, you said that he work in a coffee shop, so just be a regular and see how things going."
"Okay mom thank you"
"But remember Xander you can't rush things or your mate will freak out and leave you"
"Okay mom okay,, thanks" I kiss my mom and run to the coffee shop, okay I'm not running, I used my motorcycle but you know what I mean.

Luca POV
Like always I clean the shop and take the order, but I can't forget that man, idk why but he always in my mind event in my dream. He come to me in my dream and hug me, idk what happen but I fell so relax in his arm even if it's only a dream. I hope I can feel that in real life.

And he came to the shop after I think about him like in the movie, oh God I shouldn't think of him before.
"Hey, can I get a cappuccino and a slice of Cheesecake?"
"S-sure, wait a minute sir"
"Okay, btw I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to scared you away, so can we start over? Friend?"
"Uh.. I'm not sure sir"
"It's okay, we can take it slowly, just please don't be afraid of me, I'll come here to be a costumer and you can treat me like a regular costumers here. Is that okay with you?"
"Good, thanks for the coffee" he grab his order and walk out from the shop.
"You're welcome, have a nice day" I said like always
"You too!" He shout out and disappear in the sea of people outside.

Hmm he is so weird, but I think he is nice. Maybe I can have friend and if he become to dangerous for me I'll leave him.
But I need to start thinking of something else like my birthday that will come in one month, maybe I can treat myself some new shirt or new blanket, I hope so.

Xander POV
OH MY GOD!! HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL!! ahh and he smell so good.. I really want to hug him in that coffee shop but I remember what my mom tell me, I can't rush things, just wait little mate, when you already in my arm I'll never let you go.
I think it's good enough I'll come to the shop everyday and be friend with him. 

I'm sorry guys, took me so long to update, idk what should I write because I have a lots to do in rl, maybe you want to help me and give me some idea for the next update, please message me if you do, I'll really appreciate that and thank you for the vote and comments
Love u all, hope I can get some idea for the update 😘😘

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