Episode 6

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Xander POV

It's been almost a month already after I become a regular in that coffee shop just to look at my mate everyday. I'm starting my day with a cup of coffee that my mate personally made for me, okay maybe not personally because I'm just a costumer but still he make it for me!

Oh My God he is so beautiful and the good news is he already start open up for me or maybe like less afraid of me and so maybe I can ask him to hangout with me sometimes.. so here we go, I hope he said yes.

I start making my way to the coffee shop after getting out from my car, because I plan to take him today after his work and I don't think motorcycle is safe enough for my mate.

"Hello Luca, How are you today?"

"H-hai Xander, I'm fine thank you, cappuccino like usual?"

"Hmm.. Nah today I'm thinking of Caramel Macchiato"

"O-okay.. wait a minute" He start making my coffee and I think it's a great time to ask him now

"So.. Luca, em.. do you want to hangout with me sometimes, like go grab dinner or something like that?"

"I-i don't know Xander, I-" I'm starting to feel bad because it's look like I force him to go with me and I don't want him to feel like that.

"Hey Luca it's okay if you don't want to, you can reject it you know"

"I-it's not like that, I'm just.. you know really tired today, maybe we can go in weekend.. but it's just if you want to.."

OH MY GOD (I really should stop saying this.) He want to goo!! I don't care if it's today or weekend all I care is he accept it, YES!

"OH Sure, I REALLY LIKE IT.. Hehehe a lot.. soo.. weekend it is??"

"Y-yeah okay I think.."

"Okay., I'll pick you up this Saturday in your house, what do you think?"


"Yeahh, I mean maybe you want to stay the night you know, BUT if you like it tho, It didn't mean you have to.. just a suggestion hehehe"

"Alright then" and he smile to me

OH GOD HE SMILEEE! Fu*k me! now that little brother down there can't calm down. ARGHH!

"O-okay Luca, can't wait to hangout with you, Oh maybe I can get your phone number so you know I can tell you when I pick you up"

"Ah.. a-about that, sorry I don't have a phone.."

"Oh Okay what time will you finish today?"

"H-huh? About 9 pm.. em.. why??"

"Okayy,, wait for me when you finish okay"

"W-what? Why?? It's okay you know I can go home by myself"

"No it's not it but now you mention it, it's become another reason you should wait me tonight hehe. Okay Luca I think I'm gonna go now, Byee"

"O-okay Byee.."

I make my way out of the coffee shop and dial my secretary, I order him to buy a phone so I can give it to Luca and didn't forget to put my number as "My Xander" hehehe perfect.


Like the other day Xander start to coming everyday to my work place and chatting with me, but today it's different he ask me to hangout with him. And for the first time I think that maybe I can go hangout with him, because again for the first time I feel safe with him around me to the point that I can talk to him normally and maybe he is not a bad guy because usually people will start beating me up or asking for money at this point and he didn't do it so maybe..

But today I'm really tired, I don't know why but I'm starting to feel that my body is so weak this day so I have to decline the invitation for today but I don't know how.. I'm so worried that he will be mad at me and stop coming here.

Oh.. what should I do.. but before I tell him, he tell me that it's okay if I don't want to but his face is so sad because of it, uh.. what should I do..

Emm.. I immediately say that it's okay if it's weekend, my boss is kind enough that in Saturday and Sunday I got my free time maybe because I'm working from Monday until Friday so she gave me that free time. Usually in the weekend I'm starting to collect some garbage or whatever that I can sell to get some extra money, but maybe I can use that day to hangout sometimes.

He asking for my phone number but let's face it together that I'm poor so no phone for me and I tell him the truth. He said I should waiting for him today but for what? I'm confused but he insist so I said okay to him.

After he left, nothing special happened and I'm just do my job like usual.

Here i gave u all update hehehe, idk it's good or not but i'm trying.. hope u guys like it :)

Oh btw for Xander look you can imagine some cool dude with six pack tall and handsome with stubble a little bit on the tan side,, overall scream A BIG BAD HANDSOME ALPHA MALE with a super good body hehehe

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