Black/Dark Eyes

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"Oops..." You blinked before cowering in your chair. Your father, whom had been reading the pages that you had spilt your paint on, sighed before cleaning up the mess and handing back your brush.

"Be careful (name). I have a lot of important papers here...not that I can read them now..." He mumbled the last bit

"I'm sorry..." You sniffled tearing up

"Ah!" He panicked slightly "no, no. It's okay (name), no need to cry! You know...I've been reading these all night. How about I paint with you?" He smiled then noticed something funny on your face. Looking carefully at your right eye he saw three wiggly dark wet lines of paint.

"..." You looked anywhere but your father hoping that if you didn't look at him then he wouldn't see

"Why do you have paint on your face...?" He asked picking your small form up and walking towards the bathroom

"I...I wanted to be just like you..." You whispered holding onto his kimono tightly

"Really now...? So you paint lines on yourself and cover up your pretty eyes and muck up your cute hair?" He laughed as he held your bangs up to investigate.

Sure enough the three lines of paint went from your forehead right to your chin, it was even on your eye lid... How you got the paint there too he will never know...

"Yes! I'll be super pretty if I look like you!" You giggled out as your father attempted to wash it off with a wet cloth.

"Will you hold still!" He laughed "or else I'll give you a reason to giggle!!" He wiggled his fingers on your sides causing you to scream in giggles at the tickling.

"P-papa!!!~ stoooop!!!!" You giggled out "nooo fa-faiirrrr!"

"It is so fair!" He laughed

"I-I'm gonna p-" you giggled as your father let you go, ending his tickle torture.


Years later


"Dad..." You called as your father continued reading and walking. "You're gonna walk into a wall" This time your father heard your warning and sidestepped out of the way.

"Thanks kiddo" he reached out and patted the air next to him.

"I'm over here dad..." You sighed quietly

"Right...sorry kiddo" he patted your shoulder instead

"You've been really busy with your work lately." You commented while you continued to follow him to his office. With being the editor of the newspaper, his soul reaper duties and all the other small things he helps with...there just wasn't much time for your father to relax or spend time with you.

"Hisagi! There's more articles on your desk to approve"

"Thanks, I'll get to them right away" he called back to the soul reaper. "(Name), I've got work to do. Why don't you go have some fun and I'll meet up with you later for some dango-those are your favourite right?" He asked as he continued to walk and read

"They are. But I'd rather help you. Can I do something so that you have less on your plate?"

"I dunno kiddo..." He sighed "I deal with a lot of things that are a little too much for you..."

"Let me deal with the newspaper stuff that way you can focus on the paperwork you have to do for squad 9. I've read every single one that's been published since I could read...I got this dad. I promise! Just let me help!" You smiled "then maybe after we can go eat dango together...if you want..."

"Yeah..." He put the papers he was reading down slightly and stared at you before smiling "I'd like that (name)" he patted your head ruffling your hair up a bit "it's not like I could say no to those pretty eyes anyways..."


You are Shuuhei Hisagi's Child

I honestly think he'd be probably one of the best dads in all of Bleach XD

he's too sweet - maybe would end up spoiling his kid too much when he did have time to be with them

Originally created in

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