Brown Eyes

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You followed your father around as he walked about his castle. called it a castle... In your father's white castle there were many people. All of them wore similar white clothes and all of them had a hole somewhere on their body...well except your father and your 'uncles'.

"Papa...? Why does everyone wear white?" You asked your father as he sat on his throne. You had your own little throne beside him of course.

"Because they are our angels" your father said as he read a bunch of papers

"What about you and me papa?" You asked pouting slightly

"I am a god and you darling, are a little goddess..." He patted your head as he answered you.

"Oh..." Your little brows furrowed together in thought.

What was a god and goddess again...? You couldn't remember...but last time you asked your father he went on a long rant that you ended up passing out in the middle of. He wasn't too pleased about that either.

"Papa...? Why does everyone else have holes but uncle Gin, uncle Kana, you and me don't?" You asked again. Your brown eyes yearned for an answer as you leaned over your throne's arm to get closer to your father

"Because the others are called Espada my little goddess..." He answered again without looking at you. Your puffed your cheeks out

"Papa, what's an Espada?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" He asked in return

"I'm curious!"

"So am I..." He looked away briefly to see your pouty face. His bored and annoyed expression turned to one of amusement

"Papa!!!" You whined tugging on his sleeve

"Now, now (name)...that's not how a goddess ought to behave..." He raised a brow at you not amused by your new behaviour.

"I don't wanna play goddess anymore's boring..." You pouted.

This time he simply ignored you and continued his reading. He didn't want to deal with your childishness anymore.


Years later


You sat on your bed as Cirucci brushed your hair. Your father didn't seem to like you doing anything anymore, so much so that now you couldn't even brush your own hair.

"I'm sorry papa makes you do this, Cirucci " you said quietly

"It's fine" she shrugged "there's not much to do anyways"

Over the years, your father has gotten worse and worse. It came to the point he barely even spoke to you...all he cared about is his god complex. As soon as Cirucci was done with your hair she got up and left the room, and you.

After a while you left your room and went to your father's throne room. The castle, although still huge, didn't seem as big and scary as it had when you were little...a lot of things had changed since you were little. You grew. Your body filled out in a more womanly way and your hair had gotten longer.

Soon, you reached the castles throne room. Your father was yet again in his throne. He never seemed to leave the damn thing! You walked over to him.

"How is my little goddess?" Your father asked for once looking at you

"I'm fine." You answered quietly.

You learned a long time ago that any kind of loud and boisterous behaviour was not tolerated when it came to you. So you gave simply did whatever your father asked...not that you agreed with him what so ever.

"What do you want (name)?" He asked sighing as if tired with your presence already.

"I...papa, I don't agree with what you're doing" you said quietly

"Is that so...?" He raised his brow at you half amused

"Yes. It's not right" you continued

"I don't care what you think" the words he spoke felt like needles piercing your heart. "You are my daughter and you will do as I say" You lowered you head and nodded slowly

"Yes, papa..." You turned to leave

"Are you going to bed?"

"Yes, papa"

"Come here" you did as he asked and stood next to his throne. He motioned you to lean over and so you did so.

"Yes, papa?" You asked in a weak and saddened voice.

"Good night," He kisses your forehead then patted your head "my little goddess"

"Goodnight papa" and with that you left to your room.

Aizen sat in his throne watching you leave.

"She still refuses to be a goddess...though she looks very much like one" he laughed lightly amused "she'll come around to her calling soon enough" he assured himself as he returned to reading his book.


You are Sousuke Aizen's child

Originally created in 2016

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