Green Eyes

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"Daddy...?" You asked your father with big green eyes that matched his.

"Yes (name)?" He asked in his forever 'meh' tone

"What's a heart?" You asked innocently. To this your father raised a brow, it had been a question he, himself, had yet to fully answer.

"Why are you asking (name)?" He asked wondering how you even came about the need to ask the question that's answer eluded him so much.

"I was running and I fell earlier and the lady hugged me when I was sad and her chest was pounding really loud so I asked her why..." You explained pulling your pant leg up to show your father your now skinned knee as proof. "She said she was scared and worried I really hurt myself and that her heart was pounding. I didn't ask her what a heart was because Jow-Jow made me leave" you finished staring at your scab and poking it.

"'That lady' huh..." Ulquiorra mulled.

That was what you had been calling the prisoner as you weren't told her name. It seems like she had not only made him start to obsess over what a heart was...but now his daughter too...

"Yeah, so what's a heart?"

"I'm not entirely is an organ that pumps blood throughout a beings body to keep it alive. But it has been used in contexts that make no sense to me, so I don't know what a heart truly is (name)..." He sighed staring down at you

"Oh..." You blinked back up at him


Years later


You walked around the giant building called Los's not like you had much to do. There wasn't many people your age or wanted to play with you-not that you really played...

You weren't a child anymore, oh no. Your body image had changed from that of a young girl to a woman. Your figure curved in places and your face got a more mature look to it as well. One thing did stay the same for sure...your big green eyes. They remained doll like and hauntingly pretty.

"(Name)" your father's monotone voice called dully out to you causing you to stop in your tracks

"Yes father...?" You asked in a similar tone. It wasn't the same as your tone held far more emotion than his. Ulquiorra starred at the fluorescent pink shape over your left breast...

"What is that...?" He asked looking rather confused

"It's a heart father!" You smiled gleefully

"(Name), you know that shape is nothing more than the silhouette of a woman bent over...correct?" He asked again

"Yes father, but the shapes meaning is why I like it so much!" You smiled softly

"It's meaning" he raised a brow slightly not sure what you were going on about.

"See, I found out father." You began in a more excited tone "the shape of a heart, not the organ, is a symbol of love! Love is an emotion which is why when people say "have a heart" or something like that...well they mean they want you to feel an emotion" you went on quickly worried that your father would brush you aside. But to your surprise he stood and listened...!

"And an emotion?"

"That's something you feel. Like the lady that Aizen-sama had here? She was lonely and sad...she was lonely being away from those she cared for and because she felt that way, the emotion as was triggered!" You said happily

"So you figured it out (name)..." He stated "I still have yet to grasp its meaning...but you have. Good job" he gently and awkwardly patted your head.

To this your eyes watered. You weren't used to any form of affection from your father. This small act was enough to make you cry and happy.

"Did that hurt (name)?" He asked pulling his hand up

"N-no father....!" You held his hand on your head "I like it!!" You sniffled

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm not sad" You reassured

"Then why?"

"I'm so happy and touched father, that tears came to my eyes"

"That sounds very illogical..." He said with slight confusion

"I know...but that's just how I feel father..." You smiled

He could never find the meaning...but you had. And maybe, just maybe...he could finally begin to understand...through you.


You are Ulquiorra Cifer's child

cute :3

Originally created in

Originally created in 2016

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