(e/c) eyes

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"Please!!" You whined tugging on your father's blonde hair


"Pleeeeaase?!" You whined again

"No, (name)" he responded with an annoyed and deadpan look as he continued to walk with you sitting in his shoulders

"Pllleeeeeeeaaaaseeeeee....?!" You whined more pouting and leaning into his face. To this your father sighed with dull brown eyes

"Why do you want a peircing anyways (name)...?" He asked looking into your (e/c) eyes

"Because if I have one...then I'm just like you!!" You grinned childishly at him. A small look of surprise flooded your fathers face before it quickly turned to a broad smile.

"Alright, (name)...what kind of peircing do you want?"



"Belly button?"




"DADDDDYYYY!!!" You yelled pouting "you aren't being fair!!"

"You're five (name), no big girl peircings" he said stubbornly.

No way was his daughter going to have those kind of peircings as a child...though he wouldn't mind them so much if you were older, he supposed.

"How about we get your ears pierced? Then you can wear earrings like that girl you watch on tv" he suggested

"LIKE SAILOR MOON?!" You screamed excitedly

"Yeah her" he said not really caring

"OKAY!!!!" You giggled happily "let's go get my ears pierced!!!" Shinji smiled turning things around so that they were his way was fairly easy now...so long as he dropped Sailor moon in. He wondered if it would always be like this... He could only hope.


Years Later


"(Name)! What are you doing?!" Shinji screeched as he entered your room to see you aiming a sharp needle at ur belly button.

"Peircing my belly button, the hell it look like?" You rolled your eyes before continuing. You almost stabbed it into the skin when your father snatched it out of your hands and stood a good few steps away hissing.


"I'm not five anymore dad. I can pierce my body if I want"

"I said no!!" He then took notice of the glittering on the other side of your nose...


"Yeah, 3 months ago...didn't you see it yet?" You smirked turning towards him. As you turned your hair bounced away from your ears showing off the piercings that decorated the entire lobe.

"AND THE REST OF YOUR EARS?!" He screamed again "where else?!"

"Hmmm...I have snake bites, an eyebrow, one here..." You pointed to the glittery stone in the middle below your lip "a lip...oh! And this!!" You stuck your tongue out at him showing off the glittery decoration.

"...." Shinji stared unbelievingly at you. You had practically PEIRCED your entire face and were about to start on your body.

Was this because he let you pierce you ears when you were five?!

What had he done?!

"See~? Now I got one just like you...and then some so I'm me!" You smiled happily


You are Shinji Hirako's Child

Poor Shinji's digging his grave as we speak XD

Originally created in 2016

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