Yellow Eyes

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You sat on the ground of the world you lived in. It was rather lonely. It was only you in here and occasionally your other self. Other self you ask? Well you weren't a normal little girl see. In fact when most people talked about you, they referred you as something a kin to a monster or disease. Something that needed to be removed or cured of. Your golden eyes narrowed at the memories. You hated them. All of them. Well, except the memories of the times you spent with your father...

"Daddy, I'm scared of her..." You heard ring out loudly across your world an if it was on a PA system. That pain in the ass other self of yours must be complaining about you to her father again...

"I know, I know..." Her father said in understanding "(alt. ver. Of your name), I know...remember? I have one too. But you can't be scared of her, she's you too in a way. Just like I'm your daddy...the other me, Hichigo, is her's" You snorted in annoyance.

It wasn't fair. (Alt/name) got to be with her daddy all the time because she was the one on the outside... (Alt/name) had a lot of things you didn't...she had pretty orange hair like her daddy and her skin had colour to it too. She also wasn't limited to one area like you were. Was it because you had white hair and skin that you couldn't be on the outside? You weren't very well behaved when you got the chance to escape (alt/name)'s inner world...but does that mean you can't go out at all?

"OI! YOU PRINCESS BRAT!!! I WANNA SEE MY DADDY! STOP BEING A HOG AND LET ME GO OUTSIDE INSTEAD!!" You yelled angry and sad. You wanted your daddy to hug you, to kiss you, to tuck you in at night and wake you up in the morning. You wanted to eat with your daddy and to play with him. You wanted to be with him...not here all alone...

"You can't." (Alt/name) said standing next to you "I don't wanna let you out. When I do you just get me into trouble and hurt people. You're not allowed to see your daddy. He's a bad guy, just like you are" she said coldly as she dropped down next to you and started making a flower crown with the meadows flowers. You frowned at her while your eyes teared up.

"I WILL get out and I WILL see my daddy!" You growled angrily "and then!!! You can stay in here instead of me!!!" You screamed beating her with your flower crown.


Years later


Today was the day. That fool (alt/name) had been training her shinigami powers too much and has been weakening her chains on you. You would finally escape and see your father! FINALLY

Ichigo parried his daughter, (alt/name)'s attack, and threw a 'soft' gentsuga tensho at her. However, (alt/name) was too weak from her rigorous training and was hit by the blast. Whatever power she was using to hold you back was gone!

So you took over.

(Alt/name)'s appearance altered to yours. Her pigtailed pumpkin hair turned loose and paled to that akin of snow. Her brown eyes lightened and burn gold as the whites of her eyes became pitch black. Finally. You had fought back to the surface of the body you shared.

Finally. You'd see him again!

"Oi Kurosaki," your distorted voice called out as you stood up and tilted your head to one side "do me a favor..." You pointed the zanpakuto you are forced to share with (alt/name) at him

"(Name)..." He frowned

"That's right, it's (name), not (alt/name)..." You grinned gruesomely "now, let me see my dad!" You yelled hacking at him. Of course Ichigo couldn't hit his daughter's body, so your zanpakuto made contact. In which in that split second you could hear you father.

"My, my" his voice smirked "look at my ruthless little (name)...taking over the body so young, and now assisting me...I should step up my game before she thinks I'm incapable of taking the king out" Hichigo shrieked in a fit of mad giggles before he, himself, fought against Ichigo for control.

It took quite a bit of slashing and hacking at Ichigo before your father grabbed your blade, now in control of Ichigo's body, and pulled you into a bloodied hug.

"You've grown up (name)" he said almost sadly

"Y-yeah" you sniffled hugging him tightly "I missed you...!"

"Hey, don't cry. Look where we are my dear" he chuckled petting your head affectionately "we are on the outside now."

"Yes!" You screamed in excitement and determination "DAD WE'LL KEEP THEM IN AND MAKE THEM SEE HOW IT FEELS AND WE CAN BE TOGETHER FOREVER!!!"

To this your father chuckled

"Not exactly what I'd expected you to come up with in revenge...but it's a start" he wrapped an arm around your shoulder dragging his zanpakuto beside him as he walked away with you. "Let's fuck shit up"

"Yeah!!" You grinned up at him.

Finally! You could see your father again.

And this time? You weren't letting (alt/name) back in control.


You are 'Hichigo Shrosaki's' Child AKA Ichigo's hollow (or those who know his TRUE NAME ;P )

Originally Created in 2016

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