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It felt like a day or two had passed by, but I lost track of time because I was thinking of escapeing.

Yoongi would come bring me food, tell me I'm beautiful and ask what's wrong.

But I wouldn't respond.

I wanted to understand him, but I didn't want to do what he said.

But also some part of me felt it would further my investigation to see what happens when I disobey.

Does that sound suicidal?


He walked in with a tray of food.

He really cared about my health.

Every food group was always represented in my meals.

And he would always ask if I needed anything because he would get it.

But today I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat.

He always stayed to make sure i ate and when I didn't start eating he got frustated.

"eat your meal"he said it once.

I ignored him.

"Y/N EAT YOUR MEAL"he said a little more pissed.

I ignored again.

Third times the charm.

For real.

He said "Y/N I'm gonna count to three, and if your not eating....well you don't wanna find out"

I ignored again, but fucking regret it.


I didn't move.


He gritted his teeth.


And as soon as he said that he grabbed my arm roughly and yanked me off the bed and threw me on the floor, I started crying and yelping from pain.

He grabbed a sandwich slice off of the trey and put both his legs on either side of my midsection.

He grabbed jaw pushed his finger into my mouth and jammed the sandwich into my throat.

I started choking immedatly but he just looked at me.

I finally choked up the sandwich, but because I was choking I began to throw up.

"See what happens when you don't listen?"he said with blank face

I stopped throwing up but I was crying because I always hated throwing up, it hurts like hell.

He pulled me up and sat me on the bed, then cleaned up the mess and picked me up to take me out of the room.

It was the first time seeing the outside of the room so I was curious.

The ground was concrete just like in the room.

There was a table with two chairs, and there was no front door.

But there was a staircase.

He turned left into a bathroom and sat me down on the toilet.

"Ok Y/N, i have to go get something"he walked out, but he also locked the door.

I looked around the bathroom.

No mirrors.

No shower curtain.

It's like it was babyproofed.

Same with the room.

So I defiantly couldn't kill myself.

I heard the door onlock and yoongi came back with a towel and a set of clothes.

He turn on the shower and switched it to bath, he plugged the drain and began to feel the temperature.

After he felt it was good, he cut off the water.

"Ok Y/N, stand up" I hestated but stood, I had no other choose.

He walked over to me and lifted my arms in the air.

He began to undress me as if I was a child.

He wasn't a pervert about it either, he kinda acted as if he was scared to hurt me.

After I was completely naked he took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

He lifted me up by my hips and put me in the warm water slowly.

He grabbed a wash rag and lathered it together with a soap bar.

He was very gentle and caring.

"Ok stand up babygirl"he said softly I stood up and so did he.

He began to drag the soapy rag over my body washing me ever so gently.

He gulped, but none the less kept his composure.

After he washed every inch of my body he told me to sit back down, I did.

He grabbed a plastic cup and filled it with the bath water.

He then poured it over my body clearing all the soap from me.

"Ok, lean your head back for me babygirl" he said in the same time as before.

I complied.

He poured shampoo into his hands lathering it into my hair.


He continued with conditioner.

Rinse again.

Then he stood up grabbing the towel.

He unfolded it and looked at me with a smile.

"Okay come here babygirl"he said gently.

I stepped out of the bath and he wrapped the towel over my shoulders then pulled the plug to let the water drain.

He then pulled the towel over my hair and pushed it back and forth, drying my hair gently.

He pulled the towel away from my hair and i lifted my arms already knowing what's comeing.

Well I mean, I might as Well do what he says, I mean I don't see any escaping anytime soon.

He gently dried every inch of my body, savoring the feeling of my skin between his hands with the towel.

But he still kept his composure.

He then grabbed the clothes to dress me in.

a simple night suit.

It was pastel pink and silky.

And a pair of pastel pink underwear.

He pulled them onto me aswell as the pants, and the button up.

Once I was all finished being dressed he looked at me with a smile.

"So cute"he said softly.


"I'm not cute yoongi"I say a little mad.

"Hmmm....I don't want you to call me yoongi Y/N"he said with a fake frown.

I stood silent.

He then grinned widely, his gums showing.

"I want you to call me daddy"

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