War of Loristhan

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This was originally a piece for a contest, I entered what I had and didn't place--but the story kept coming back to my mind while I worked and added to itself until I had a whole novel figured out. It is one of 2 novels that I am planning out side by side and will overlap with another to be named at a later date. For now, I've got most of this book plotted out--still needs a bit of work though so I am not quite ready for the first write through. 


Before King Bade's passing, he made an announcement to the court that his youngest child, his only daughter Astra would be the future ruler of Loristhan. Tarea, the crown prince and Astra's older brother was furious and threatens war upon his home unless his sister bends the knee. She seeks help from a forbidden source: Magic. As she travels to the Gelnora, the location of the fabled brotherhood, she finds the fire inside herself needed to defend her home. At the ruins of Gelnora she meets Magic Weaver Ranon, the last remaining brother. Tarea, one step ahead and ever sure of his sisters intention, came down on Gelnora with a swift, terrible strike and killed everyone but Ranon--leaving him to bury the bodies alone. Angry with the prince, Ranon scours the remains of his home until he learns of a crystal given from the moon to the first magic weaver that can multiply even the weakest magic into a force of gods. They plan to get to the crystal before Tarea can hear of its existance, as magic has been banned in Loristhan for countless generations, and only through whispers in dark corners did they hear of Gelnora.


King Bade and Queen Helia Loristhan, kind people who only want their kingdom to prosper. Queen Helia dies from an illness when her children are small, leaving Bade to raise them into adulthood alone.

Princess Astra Loristhan, the youngest of Bade's two children and his only daughter. She is quite content in her role in life and wants no part of the higher power. She merely wants a happy life. 

Prince Tarea Loristhan, the eldest of Bade's two children and his only son. Tarea is rough and loud--he would rather meet in battle then bend in judgment. He desires power and respect from all.

Magic Weaver Ranon, an older man who dedicated his life to learning the ways of magic and how it helps people. He is last remaining Brother of Gelnora and is slowly becoming corrupted by dark forces, but his heart and intentions remain pure.

Magic Waver Luka Barth, a talented magic user who used to travel with a band of warriors in search of higher wisdom.

Belmore, advisor to Bade and Astra, Belmore was by Bade's side when he ascended to the throne and outlived his friend to see Astra battle out against her brother for the right to the kingdom. He was wise, kind, but stern and unswaying in faith. 

Lenel, first female Knight. Lenel is a young woman who cares not for ways of the court or what society deems is appropriate for females. She wants the glory men sing about, she wants the scars of battle to show she stood her ground. She vows to protect Astra and see her seated on her rightful throne.

Vicorian Fletcher, Lord of a smaller kingdom, Friend of Tarea from a young age. Vicorian wants no part of ruling a kingdom but wants to reap the benefits of a courtly position. He has bent the knee to Tarea and offered to take Astra as his wife to "keep her contained". As delusional as he is charismatic, Vicorian believes that Asta is in love with him but denies it openly in hopes of stringing him along like a game.

Graorin Hawklight, Knight, Commander of King's guard. Stern, quiet, fatherly and strong. Hawklight has protected the royal family since his boyhood days---stopping an attempt at killing Bade as a young child, and teaching Astra self-defense techniques to keep herself safe at close range or when found alone. He trains Lenel, fine-tuning her natural abilities with a spear and sword.

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