4 : Professional Secret Agents

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The dark slowly defeat the light and it turns to night time. I need to say the first 12 hours living here was like an odyssey to me. I don't have to unpacked the box and arrange my things because my clothes are neatly shifted into the closet and my things are on the right places I want them to be.

"Have you taken your bath? Mrs Lee wants us to have dinner together."
Chanmi went into the room, she seemed to search for something.

"Mrs Lee?"

"Oh, it's how we should call her."
She cleared and I nod my head three times. I stood up from the bed and walked to the mirror.

I hope my looks will make her bad thoughts about me go away.
I look unpresentable, the eyebag I gained from staying up too late. People from my old school already called me a panda.

"Kaja." Chanmi called out and I followed her at the back. I don't know how to feel, a second I am anxious and a second after I'm excited.

We finally arrived at the dining room and the empty seats were left for us. Everyone was there already.

I took a seat between Jihoon and Eunwoo while Chanmi sat between Chanhee and Changgu.
It was pretty awkward but Jihoon was giving a warm smile to me. It actually calms me.

Truthfully, though I've knew their names, I don't acknowledge their attitude and character. They are my cousins, but it still doesn't change the fact that they are like strangers to me.

This is the first time I'm eating with 6 people altogether.
For all this time I only ate with my father but mostly I ate alone.

"First of all, let's welcome Narae and wish for the best to all of us."
Mrs Lee announced as all of us pay attention to her.

"How's your new home? Are you satisfied with it?"
She asked me and I let out a grin.
"It was more than what I've expected, I think It'll be a wonderful home for me."

Hearing my reply, Mrs Lee fixed her spectacles and cleared her throat.

"Since you are the new person here, there are a few things you need to know. And there are sort of things you need to do."
She continued and I nodded.
"The Lee Family has lived since the 1900 and here we are, contributing our greatgrands which were the entrepreneurs to optical glasses business.The greatness of this family seems to be unnoticed by the public but that is exactly what we want."
She stated and I pushed my lips together, another fact about my family I've never heard about. I really missed a lot. I need to keep the informations in mind.

"There's a reason why do we tried to protect ourselves
from the reporters and medias. Every person that has the Lee blood relation must know the reason and is obligate to keep it a secret."
The seriousness in her voice increased and it's scaring me out.

What reason?

"We have a rare culture,"


"..as the newborns turned 15, they will start their training to be a..."

"Professional Secret Agents."

What? What is that?

"The family had many dark secrets and mysterious past that cause us to have many enemies, especially the Red Civil."

"Red Civil?"

That word... banged my head. It sounds familiar but I don't know where I've heard.

"It's a group of secret agents too, but they support the terrorism against us. Which means in this case they are evil enemies. Their
objective is to destroy us, to stop the culture activities and end the bloom of this family."

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