5 : Run with Changgu

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"Does the talk earlier affected her brain?"
Chanmi asked Jihoon who's busy on the monitor, checking the pressure results.

"Shit." He replied, clapping his palm on his forhead. Cursing under his breath, the others started to gather around him.

"Her nerves are tracking the strongest protection of the memory. It's trying to break it."
Eunwoo's eyes studied the graphs and results.

"It shows that it started when we mentioned about the Red Civil. The pressure increased drastically at this moment."
Jihoon snorted, using his index finger pointing at the monitor.

"No wonder the strongest part related to the Red Civil agencies."
Changgu sighed, the fact that the difficulties are on the way stressed him out.

"I'll make the special serum and let her drink it. That will give the brain cells more protection. Eunwoo, give me the solutions."
Chanhee immediately wear his lab coat and storm out from the room. Eunwoo followed him from the back.

Chanhee's P.O.V

"Give me the other portion."

Eunwoo handed me the white liquid and I poured it into the compounds. I'm making the special serum, it was a formula that me and Eunwoo invented for Narae.

It was originally just for the backups because we thought the therapy she through when she was in her comma is strong enough to protect her memories from opening.

But since the situation had gone worse, I guess we need to make more of these.

"Now you really cared about her. 10 minutes ago you were glaring at her all the time." Eunwoo chuckled amd I manage to creep a little smile.

"She's my cousin , afterall."
I reply while heave a deep sigh.
I have my own reasons to act cold in front of her.

"Did you behaved like that because of the family's arrangement?"

This guy really knows me.

"We don't know. But it's definitely between the both of us."
I stated while stirring the assortment inside the vessel.
Eunwoo shook his head as he made his way to the exit door.

"Was she that unforgettable to you?"
It was his last words, before leaving the lab room.

I remained silent, his question stopped me from what I'm doing.
I stared at the ceiling before brushing my fingers through my hair.

"Because she is my first love."

Narae's P.OV

It's lunch time and I went to the library instead of taking my meal.

I went to the Sci-Fi section. The library was a bit quiet since they were less people coming at this time.

I took a lot of books to the table, almost like 10 books? Most of it are all about the brains, brain nerves. And there's a fact book about amnesia.

I flipped the pages, trying to find the exactly thing I'm searching for. My eyes are wandering through the book.

"How...To... Cure...Amnesia..."
My eyes widened as soon as I saw the big topic. I got too excited and focused until I didn't realize that I was the last person in the library.

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