Chapter 1: Damian's Torture

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Damian's POV

I watched as my grandfather ,Slade, entered the room he had trapped me in at the league of Assassins. I twisted my wrists and ankles against the shackles that held me bound to a wall. "Ah.. I see that your awake at last" Slade said stepping in front of me.

"Get away from me!" I shouted at him. He punched me across my face, the was so intense that I had to squeeze my eyes shut just to bear it. I felled a new trickle of blood slide down my face before dripping and adding another stain of blood to my already bloodstained clothes.

I had been held here for a week now. I'm sure the others were looking for me but I knew that here would be the last place that they would think I would be taken to. "What would your mother say if she saw you now: weak.. pathetic , worthless.. hopeless" Slade said.

I looked up at him"I'm sure my mother knows fool well that I'm already here" I shot back. Another punch connected with my face , causing another trail of blood to join the one that was already there. I flinched and hissed at the impact. Slade stepped a few paces away from me. He turned his back.

"You took everything away from me Damian"he sneered" When it was supposed to be me, they choose you over me..... You took away my family and took it for yourself. And now I'm going to take back what was rightfully mine". He turned around to face me.

"I'm going to take and destroy your family one by" He smirked at me" Starting with the girl" My anger grew at that moment. He's planning on hurting Raven. He'd have to kill me before I let him get away with that.

"Don't you go anywhere near her!" I growled at him. He stepped forward and quickly delivered a punch to my stomach, knocking the air out of my lungs. I gasped in what little was air around me.

"You should have some respect boy!" he roar at me" I'm your grandmother.. Show some respect" he turned on his heels on walked to the door" I will return shortly with the girl. I judge you will both like to see each other before you both reach your demise". And with that he shut the door without another glance back.

I slumped my head down to my chest. Why didn't I just follow my instincts?
I knew that I couldn't trust Terra in the first place but I was willing to give her a chance.

Now look where it got me! I thrashed angrily at the shackles.
And now Raven and the others are going to get hurt..... and it's all because of her.
She'd better hope that I don't see her again while I'm still alive or I swear, I'll slit her throat without thinking twice.

She thinks that she can take us for granted and then turn her back on us then...she is by far wrong.

I managed to get my thoughts out before darkness took hold of me and I was forced into unconsciousness.
'Stay safe guys' I mumbled before the I blacked out.

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