Chapter 3

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I awoke some time later. 'How long have I been unconscious?' I sat up and noticed that I was in the back of a moving vehicle. A truck! I looked around at its cargo. There were at lot of weapons in here but they had all been pushed far away from me.

The closest thing to  me was a dagger but something held me back to a wall. I looked down at my hands. My wrists were bound in shackles that were attached to the wall . Someone stepped literally out of nowhere and kicked the dagger away to the side of the truck.

I was so shocked at the figures sudden appearance that I remained silent as the dagger and my hope skidded across the floor away from me. I looked up at the figure.

It stared down at me with his menacing eyes and that's when I realized who he was.  Deathstroke . I thrashed against the bounds. "Let. Me. Go. Now!" I growled at him. He chuckled down at me.

Deathstroke bent down and used his finger to tilt my chin up to him. "Boy, are you a pretty picture" I yanked my chin away from his cold hands  me. "Too bad Damian won't be having you for long" he said as he stood up.

And then it all dawned on me. Damian's disappearance. The Attack. Terra. "What, have, you, done with Damian" I growled at him. "Oh don't worry about that. You'll be joining him soon enough." He said staring me down.

"YOUR A SICK MAN!. A SICK. TWIST  MAN!" I yelled at him and I received a punch to my head in return. I blocked out some time after.

Damian's POV

I tried one more time to wriggle out of the shackles but to no avail. They must have gotten to Raven by now. I only wish I had the chance to say goodbye.

I heard voices coming down the hallway. I just hope it isn't Raven. Someone was being forced forward and someone was pushing them along. As the persons rounded the corner my vision started to become blurry.

I passed out right as I saw someone in the room dressed in black drop to the floor.

Raven's POV

This time  when I awoke the truck wasn't moving. I forced myself to sit up. The truck doors opened and I squinted my eyes at the bright light. Slade walked in to me and grasped my arm.

I hissed in pain as his nails dug into my skin. Slade forced me to stand up and then he removed the shackles. He shoved me forward out of the truck where I stumbled and fell on my hands and knees.

Slade walked over to the front of the truck and said something to someone then the truck sped away. I looked around at my surroundings. We were probably up in a mountain. Trees, bushes and rocks bordered around me.

I looked hesitantly at the direction the sped away. Could I get away from Deathstroke for a split second so I could fly or teleport back to the Tower. I looked hesitantly back at Slade. As if reading my thoughts he stepped up behind me.

"You'd better not be getting any funny ideas" he growled , grabbing my arm. He pushed and shoved me forward into the thick vegetation until we came to a large building. I couldn't exactly describe it but one thing's for sure, this building wasn't just made for one person.

Deathstroke pushed me through two double doors and then dragged me down a narrow hallway. He opened a door some time after and shoved me into the small room, making me fall on to my hands and knees.

"I'll allow you to make your acquaintance. Make good use of the remaining time you two have left"with that he took a step back and slammed the steel door  shut before I could reach him. I pounded my fist on the door but it just wouldn't open.

I sat down heavily on the floor in defeat. That's when I heard it, someone breathing slowly. It's source seemed to be coming from someone in the room. I turned around to see who was my companion.

There bounded to the wall was..... Damian! I jumped off the floor and ran over to his side. Is he dead? No couldn't be. I placed my hand over his heart. His pulse was weak but still there. I gave to figure out a way to help him.

I placed my hand against one of the shackles and used my demonic power to burn it until fell into a hot puddle at my feet. After I had all the shackles i knelt down unto the floor and rested Damian's head in my lap.

I was about to start healing him when his eyes fluttered opened. He squinted at my face"Raven?" He mumbled. "Keep still so I can heal you"I said. I was starting to chant my mantra when Raven suddenly shot up holding one of hands.

I tried to wrestle it away from him but he only held it firmer. "How did you get here"he growled. I dragged my hand away from him and cradled it before I looked back up at Damian.

"The same way you did. Terra attacked me" I said to him."She hurt you didn't she" he stated. Why was he acting like this? I placed my hands on either side of his face and looked him straight in the eye.

"Damian snap out of it!"I yelled at him"Just relaxed and let me help" I calmly said to him. He shrugged my hands off his shoulders" I don't need your help Raven. You need your strength for when we get out of here"he tried to stand up but he ended up collapsing down again.

Damian's POV

I tried to stand up but I ended up back on to the floor due to my wounded body. "Still think I shouldn't heal you"Raven amusingly whispered into my ear. "Fine" I mumbled, I really didn't want her to use her powers to heal me.

I remember last time how she had passed out because to heal takes a lot of her strength. As she started chanting I could feel the pain starting to drift away. My body was becoming stronger by the second and I didn't feel weak anymore.

After she had finished chanting I stood up and walked to the door. I tried pushing it but to no avail. "Let me try"Raven said from behind. I stepped aside and that's when I heard a thud. I turned around and saw Raven laying on her side on the floor.

I walked over to her and knelt down beside her limp body.Is she dead? No she can't be dead. I shook her shoulders and her eyes fluttered open. "You okay?" I asked her the worry evident in my voice.

She prompted herself up on her elbows"Yes, I'm fine. It just takes a lot of strength to heal another living person"She explained. I stood up and held out my hand to her. She took it and I helped her to stand up. I looked back at the doors .

There's only one way to get them open. I turned to Raven and pointed to the doors"Raven,i don't want to ask you this but..."Raven cut me off as she shot a ball of demonic power at the door blasting them open "Why'd you ask?" She asked casually. I sent her an amused smirk before walking into the hallway.

Voices came from around the corner.
"They're escaping!
Don't let them get away!
Secure the perimeter!"
I turned to Raven"How long will it take for you to make a portal to get us out of here"I asked her.

"I'll have to concentrate. But I won't be able to do that if I'm fighting"she replied. We heard running footsteps coming our way. I pointed down the next direction of the hall." There's supposed to be a room down there. Get there and lock yourself him. I'll buy you time to get us out of here" I turned back around and drew out my sword.

"But what about you" Raven asked from behind. "Don't worry about me just go!" I shout at her as the Assassins came around the corner. I heard Raven's retreating footsteps as she ran down the hall. That leaves me with these guys.

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