Chapter 8

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Heya guys! I've put a lot of effort into this one, making it a little different than usual. I hope you guys enjoy!

I want to dedicate this to ListenToHerStory who has been an amazing fan, friend and supporter throughout my book (and school heheheh). 

P.S  Vote and comment? *gives out candy*


Erin's POV

You know how when you were younger, you'd imagine yourself having to choose over the most sublime white dresses, all so soft and pretty?

Or the time you sat with your friends on your bed, talking about the guy of your dreams?

To be honest, I have no idea how any of this felt like. But I've been told, that was what normal girls did, at some point of their lives.

Well, coming from a home like mine, what do you expect?

But there was one normal girly thing that I used to love.

Fairy tales.

Every time I woke to see that mom wasn't home, I'd throw on a coat and walk round the corner of our house to the town's little bookshop. It was a pretty place, especially for a child like me who had next to nothing. The little round room with wooden tables and chairs, and the brick fire-place made the place seem so welcoming. It was there that I discovered childhood fantasies. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast.

Well, I guess what I'm trying to say is that, even if things were hard, there was this little part of me that dreamed of being swept off her feet and falling in love, marrying Prince Charming and living happily ever after.

So here I was, about to run away and get married.

Now don't get me wrong. I don't love him, actually I don't know much about him. Hell I don't even know his last name. I wasn't excited to get married, I was actually afraid.

The only reason I was doing it was because of Jay. 

Earlier this morning, I woke up feeling so much better, in fact better than I had ever felt in my life. And there Jay was, cuddled up against me on the bed. When I saw what that bastard Nicko had done to Jay, with the cuts all over his face, I was pissed. Pissed as hell.

Then Ty came in, as gorgeous as ever, gorgeous enough to distract me from how pissed I was. He then said something that I didn't expect. At all.

"You need to marry me." He shoved his hands in his pockets and stared at me, waiting.

I know right? What the hell?

But then he explained, and honestly it made sense. Marry him, move away, never let Jay get harmed again, Ty gets his share of property, everyone's happy.

Or so he said. I still can't figure out why me? Why all of a sudden? And why did I trust him enough to say yes?

Well, it was too late to turn back now. And I meant it quite literally. We were on the way to Ty's  dad's town. Apparently, his mother wouldn't know that we were there. His dad's side must be way cooler.

Ty was driving (another ahmazing car again!) I was riding shotgun, and Jay was in the backseat. "Hey," Jay piped up from the back, sounding cheery and excited. Well at least that makes one of us.

"What?" I asked aware of Ty's presence next to me. "Not you, Erin."

Ty grinned at the mirror. "Yeah?"

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