Chapter 13

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I'm trying something a little different here :) So I hope you guys like it!

Tell me what you think! I'd love feedback xD




Erin's POV

"Where's Jay?" Ty asked as he flipped the burger over the the pan.

I sat at the counter, basically just watching him. He could cook! I wondered if there was anything he couldn't do. Yeah I know, totally the opposite of me. 

"Alice and Leon are taking him for a movie with the other kids. Why?"

He shrugged and beckoned me to pass him the plates from the shelf.

As I handed them to him, I asked "Should I go give these to everyone outside?"

"Yeah. That'll be great." 

I grabbed a few plates and went out onto the compound where at least two dozen or so people were lounging on the grass. 

"Who wants some burgers?" I laughed when even the oldies hollered and put their hands in the air. 

"Erin darling! Come over here, will you?" Mrs Thompson called out to me.

"Sure, just give me a sec!" I shouted as I handed out the plates.

I walked over to where she was sitting with a group of her friends. I (I kid you not) knew all their names. These past few days, Ty showed me all the photo albums and helped me remember all their names. 

I couldn't help a smile spread across my face when I remembered how sweet he was being. He tried to pretend like he didn't care, but sometimes I'd catch him grinning when my back was turned. He even laughed around me sometimes. It wasn't much, but we were getting somewhere.

"Dear me," Mrs Thompson chuckled and patted my cheek when I sat down and crossed my legs next to her. "Look at that smile. Pity Tyler isn't here to catch you thinking of him."

The other women laughed along. One of them, the one with thick glasses and no teeth, winked at me.

"I wasn't-" I tried to make an excuse but she interrupted me before I could.

"Oh no, no need to pretend darling. We all know how it feels." She lifted her wine glass and winked at me over it. 

I covered my face with my hand before they could all see my grinning from ear to ear. "How does everyone know what I'm thinking? God, I wish I could do that."

"Why? So you'd know Ty was thinking of you too?" May, who was the youngest in the group gave me a knowing smile.

"Honey, don't you worry. Tyler may act like a grumpy old man sometimes, but he used to be much sunnier. In fact, since you came along, this is the happiest I've seen him since...well you know. That's how bad he was hurt."

Just then, a sleek silver limo rolled to a stop in front of the house, catching everyone's attention.

"Dear God, this is bad," Mrs Thompson's panicked expression worried me.

"Why, who is that?" I asked out of curiosity.

They didn't have to tell me, because as soon as the question left my mouth, the car door  was thrown open to reveal a very pissed mother-in-law.

"Holy shit!" I jumped up. "I'll get Ty."

I took off towards the house but I could feel her glare following me all the way. The tension radiating from her hung heavy in the air.

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