Chapter 10

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New Chappie! Yay! Thanks for reading :)

Btw, sorry for the delay, my laptop was acting up!

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Erin's POV

"No way! Do not tell me that you couldn't wait for your wedding!" Alice practically shrieked making my ears ring a little. I had to slap my hands over my ears until I got my hearing back.

"You know I love you, but you need to realize that we're in the same darn room!"

"Oh my god, oh my god!!" She bounced up and down the bed, her (recently dyed purple) hair flying all around her face.

It actually looked pretty good on her. It made her eyes stand out. Hm, maybe I should dye mine?.....

She interrupted my thoughts by grabbing my shoulders and shaking me. Hard.

"Okay, okay, what?" I pushed her away and walked over to the bedside table to drink a little water.

"You had sex with Ty? This is so cool! You broke like the biggest rule in the universe. I'm so proud!" She wiped fake tears from her eyes and stood with an adoring look on her face.

She was too busy 'being proud' to realize I was basically choking on the water. Note to self : Never drink, eat or handle anything breakable or sharp around Alice. 

"I did not!" I gasped for air. I guessed that my face was as red as a pumpkin by now.

She snorted. "You can't fool me! Look at the tattoo on your neck!"

"What the hell does my tattoo have to do with him?"

"Oh, right. Whoops, my bad. Silly me." She mumbled a quick heheheh before retreating back to her magazine on the bed. 

My mind was still trying to figure out the connection between the two when my cell rang.

Without glancing at the number, I pressed the answer key thinking it was Jay, asking me if he could have an extra cotton candy or something like that.

"Off for a holiday I presume, sweetheart?"

My blood ran cold at the sound of the voice on the other end of the line. Alice must have seen the expression on my face because she quickly came to stand beside me, looking concerned.

"Don't put down the phone yet, darling. You might want to hear this."

My hands trembled slightly. "What do you want, Nicko?"

"You still owe me, bitch. What the hell do you think I want? How dare you leave? Have you any idea what a loss you've cost me?"

"I'm not coming back. Deal with it." I was going to have to change my number.

"Oh no, don't take the trouble. I'll come get you. I, actually do have permission to do that you know."

I  felt the blood rush to my head. Did he know where I was? My stomach felt really queasy and I knew I would be retching soon enough, just thinking about the horrible things he did to me.

"What the hell are you talking about?" My voice came out much more confident that I felt.

"Oh he hasn't told you? Far be it for me to spoil the fun. Tell your little boyfriend, or should I say fiance, that Dan isn't too happy with what happened. There is only one way to solve this. And Erin, you're all part of the master plan."

Suddenly, the phone was snatched out of my hand, and an angry looking Alice was holding it up to hear ear.

"Listen here, you shit-hole of a guy. I don't know what you just said to my friend, but if you ever, so much as make her LOOK upset again, I will cut your toes off one by one and feed them to my dogs! You hear me? "

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