Chapter 9

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(Hey Bella's.

I know it has been a couple of years.....not months..... YEARS......since I updated this sequel. I was in a major depression. I started school to study for Master's. Then.....I had trouble looking for work. My family was falling apart. Plus, I fell in love, but my heart was shredded to pieces. I only began to think..... writing was my true passion. My coping mechanism. So after this sequel, I will create a book of short stories explaining how each of the boys met their girls. I did this chapter with so much love. I'm also working on the rest of the chapters as we speak.

I'm sorry if I ever disappointed anybody. This chapter is dedicated to you all, and I thank God for you all. Especially 84Karoll  for being with me from afar. :)



Isabel POV

1 week later....

3 months pregnant.....

I was packing up our things to go back home. It has already been a couple of weeks since we came to Rome. We were going to leave in a couple of days. I sighed and rubbed my growing belly. I smiled at my belly and wondered if our baby was a boy or a girl. I picked up the phone and called Diego on his cell because it would take forever to reach him through his office phone.

"Hey Izzy." He said filling out some referrals for some patients.

"Hey Diego.  I just wanted to call to see if you can make another appointment for me to see my OBGYN."


I called my right hand as I was in my den watching the World Cup. I was sipping some vodka in my glass. I put the phone on speaker.

"My darling. Did you find him?" I asked.

"And his wife too."

"How far along is she?"

"3 months. I want that baby to be mine. I need help."

"Anything for my little girl."

"I want the Fiorelli empire. I don't want to be queen. I want to rule all."

"Now that is a big empire for my little princess. First you want to keep the baby. Then take the empire."

"I want everything. He broke my heart. He will suffer. He made me lose the baby. Now he will lose his."

"When will you meet him again?" He asked.

"Back in Spain. When Lazlo walked in to the club to install the bomb, I found Isabel's record. While everyone was focused on the bombing, I had real business to take care of."

"It's sad." The man said. "How my own nephew could betray me. After I raised him and made sure he didn't eat trash."

"Daddy I'm sure he's suffering in hell for turning you into the CIA."

"Well, it is over. I know you my princess..... you will never betray me. My little Sugar Cane."

"Anything for you. Daddy Arpad."

Isabel POV

I was finally ready to go back home. I zipped up the bag and gathered our tickets. It was nice to stay in Rome for a certain period of time, but I couldn't wait to go home. I saw Gio finishing up some business in his office.

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