Chapter 6

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Catherine p.o.v

Today is the day Dustin, and I are going back to Melbourne. We are at the airport getting ready to get on our plane.

" Damn I'm gonna miss this place," Dustin said pouting.

"I'm gonna miss it too" I pouted and laughed at the same time.

When we got on the plane and sat next to each other Dustin and I both had our heads stuck together asleep as he also wrapped his arms around me.

" You make me feel safe" I muttered looking to his damn beautiful eyes.

" That's what I'm here for. Friends are supposed to do that" he smiled back.

" I hope you find the right girl Dustin. You are so sweet, and when you find the right one I'm gonna tell her all the good things about you and how you make a girl so happy" I chatted putting a smile on his face that made me, even more, happier and felt his arms grabbing me even tighter.

Aristea p.o.v

Catherine and Dustin are gonna arrive back in Melbourne any time soon and Damien, and I are in the damn lounge room not knowing what to say when they get back.

" Damien, what are we gonna do when they get back?" I asked him walking back and forth

" We are gonna tell them what the Australian government want them to do" he announced sitting on the couch

" But they are gonna be exhausted. They are just coming back from their honeymoon, and you need to give Catherine some time to spend it with Dustin because if you tell her now and she hasn't formed any connection with him, she'll say no." I argued convincing him not to tell them today.

" I'll tell them next week. How about that" Damien stated looking at me for an answer.

" Well that sounds great" I agreed and went back to the kitchen to make lunch.

Dustin p.o.v

It has been seven hours and Catherine, and I just arrived back in Melbourne and are going back home to relax and get back to work.

" Dustin, what are you gonna do today?" Catherine asked me while driving our way back home.

" probably relax at home and then catch up with the boys at the club and meet some chicks" he replied so excitedly.

" What are you gonna do today?"

" I'm just gonna finish off my essay because I've got to head back to university tomorrow" I answered back to him not that excited.

" Catherine if I find a hot chick is it okay if she lives with us?" he asked.

" Why are you asking me? I'm not the boss" I responded by shrugging, " It's your choice"

" Well let's hope I find a girl so you can tell her all the good things about me" he winked and made me feel cringed out with the amount of cringiness he has.

We have now arrived home and decided to throw our suitcases and deal with them later.

" What time is it now?" Dustin asked me while we just stood not knowing what to do.

" It's half past six" I answered looking at my apple watch and he just nods and walks upstairs to our room.

I decided to make myself a Seared steak with sun-dried tomato lentils for dinner since it was getting late.

" Catherine I smelll something great" Dustin sniffed coming to the kitchen with an Ikarus navy bomber jacket, white t-shirt, black chinos and his black Gucci sneakers.

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