Chapter 10

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Catherine p.o.v

Dustin and I have been trying really hard to get myself pregnant for the past 6 months now but still isn't working with doctor treatments to see why this pregnancy isn't working.

" Dustin let's go to the doctors today one more time" I requested as I have finished the T.O.M

" Yeah let's go, Catherine. We need to know why this isn't working" he responded and as he got ready and so as I, he drove to my doctor to have a chat with her and do other check-ups.

When we got in and took a seat, Dustin and I both looked at each other and he signalled me to talk to her.

" Hi, Doctor" I spoke smiling and shaking her hands.

" Morning Catherine. How can I help you this time?" she replied looking at me and then Dustin.

" I'm still not pregnant" I stated pointing at my flat muscular body.

" Well, the result before said that nothing was wrong with the both of you and whether you guys might be doing it wrong but, if that's been going on for six months straight then likely you won't be able to get pregnant." She replied by noting things on a piece of paper.

" Have you guys made out while trying and felt something go in?" she asked

" Um...I think I felt something go in but no chemistry" I announced that left Dustin's head shaking at me.

" There is Chemistry Catherine don't lie" he looked at me confused.

" We didn't kiss Dustin" I replied back shaking my head.

" Well enough. How long did it take?" she asked again but we both didn't want to answer because it took at least twenty minutes. 

After Dustin and I left the awkward appointment, I booked with my doctor, Dustin and I decided to go home together and at least take more than twenty minutes.

When we soon got home, we both got in the bed, a little bit of chemistry and both trying out for a baby together.

1 month later

Dustin p.o.v

I'm out with Kylie somewhere private where it's only the both of us and no one else not even Catherine.

" Dustin when are we gonna stop hiding this relationship?" Kylie asked pouting as she looked into my eyes.

" Babe I don't know but soon I promise you that you and I are gonna live a fairytale love life" I responded by rubbing her hair in the couch and kissing her forehead.

" Dustin I don't want you to get mad but I'm sick and tired of you always with Catherine," she said looking down this time that broke my heart.

" I'm not gonna get mad love, she's just a friend, and I want to tell you that I'm always by your side babe" I responded relaxing near the firepit with her on my lap.

Week after

Catherine p.o.v

I'm sitting in the lounge room with only Dustin right in a different couch looking weirdly at me. I decided to sit next to him, and when I did he moved a big away from me that looked a bit strange.

" Dustin, why are you doing this?" I asked confused.

"Um...let does not talk about this Catherine" he tried to sho me away but I refused and wanted to know why.

" Dustin tell me now"I begged looking at his eyes widely.

" Catherine look, I, I hate" I cut him off wanting to know why.

" Catherine, I hate to dump you like that, but right now it's the right thing to do. I'm going to be with Kylie for the rest of my life, I want her to move in with me and I want to be with her for the rest of my life. I hate seeing her upset because we spend time together. and I want to be loved up with her." he announced that left me upset but, at the same time I want Dustin to be happy.

" Have you got your period yet?" Dustin asked trying to check on me.

" yes, I have, and we don't need to worry about it anymore" I lied to him that I haven't got my period yet but, I also know that my doctor said that likely I can't get pregnant.

" Okay then...first of all, let's tell the Australia government, your family and my family that this pregnancy didn't work and later on get a divorce so, we both live our life's the way we wanted it to be," Dustin suggested, and I just nodded smiling and walked away to the bathroom crying secretly cause little did he know that I love him but, also do want the best for him to find the love of his life and partner.

Sorry for another shit chapter 

Stella xx 

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