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120 things that annoy me

by MissAngelica16

Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.

1. When people eat with their mouth open

I honestly never had this problem before, but as soon as I encountered one of my family members doing it, it annoyed the hell out of me.

There's nothing more disgusting when someone you don't even have a clue who they are does it 3 cm away from you.

I have a lot of families that gets unbothered by the fact that one of my fellow aunt or uncle or even one of my cousins obnoxiously eat with their mouth open.

I get it. The food is good, so delicious blah blah blah, BUT please consider how others would feel that simply don't like it when others eat with their mouth open. It's simply rude and gross. No one wants to see the bits of food you took a huge bite to look like.


Just imagine if it was real food we're talking about

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Just imagine if it was real food we're talking about. Yuck!

120 things that annoy meWhere stories live. Discover now